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Jordy Gosselt is an Associate Professor at the department of Communication Science of the University of Twente (UT) in the Netherlands. His research and educational activities focus on (1) reputation management and (2) stakeholder communication and how these two concepts relate to technology adoption.

How come some innovations make it to the market where others fail? Technological innovations are being developed faster than ever, but they are often met with resistance and doubts about their utility by society and fail before or after they enter the market. This is especially because innovators do not take into account the many possible forces that influence the success of their innovation. First, innovation projects usually involve many different stakeholders that have a ā€˜make-or-breakā€™ influence, including competitors, investors, the government, and the general public. Second, the organizationā€™s corporate reputation is essential in the success of the innovation, as well-established trust in the organization is likely to be associated with the innovation as well. Hence, whether innovations succeed or fail depends to a large extent on effective communication with relevant stakeholders involved.Ā 

In addition, Jordy Gosselt is program director of both the bachelor and master program Communication Science.


  • Psychology

    • Alcohol
    • Adolescents
    • Groups
  • Social Sciences

    • Dutch
    • Information Theory
    • Netherlands
    • Youth
  • Computer Science

    • Messages


  • Overarching research theme:Ā Public relations and innovations
  • Researcher on topics related to reputation management, crisis communication, legitimacy of tech innovations, and stakeholder communication.
  • As technological innovations are key to understanding modern society, many scholars have analyzed the determinants of the innovation and adoption of technologies. While the greater part of the literature focuses on economic and technical factors, an important subset emphasizes the role of politics, policy, and organizational communication.Ā This is because society does not simply adapt to new technologies, it also shapes them. Hence, the rise of an emerging technology often leads to resistance from actors with interests in the incumbent system. For example, political barriers may occur as a result of lobbying efforts of producers of incumbent technologies. Likewise, advocacy groups can promote the development and diffusion of technologies that help them achieve their own aims. More specifically, technological innovation that is incongruous with established social rules and practices is often confronted with strong skepticism and a lack of societal legitimacy. Yet, how the early actors in a new technological field create legitimacy for new technologies is not well researched. By means of combining the domains of public relations, public affairs, and technology innovation systems theory (TIS), the research focus is on the legitimation of technological innovations, under the umbrella of ā€˜public relations of innovationsā€™.Ā 





Universiteit Twente

Cubicus (gebouwnr. 41), kamer C215
De Zul 10
7522 NJ Enschede

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Universiteit Twente

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Hallenweg 17
7522 NH Enschede

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