Verbonden aan opleidingen
Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
- 201300185 - Build-up Course Physics
- 201600227 - Internship for CreaTe
- 201800231 - Documentary Practice
- 202000960 - M2 Smart Environments
- 202000962 - Sketching
- 202000963 - Professional Development M2
- 202000965 - M3 Living and Working Tomorrow
- 202000968 - Introduction to Physical Systems
- 202000969 - Mathematics 3
- 202000970 - Professional Development M3
- 202000972 - M4 Art, Impact and Technology
- 202000973 - Art [&&] Impact
- 202000975 - Algorithms for Creative Technology
- 202000976 - Statistics
- 202000977 - Professional Development M4
- 202000979 - M5A Smart Technology
- 202000980 - Smart Technology Core
- 202000981 - Sensors
- 202000982 - Literature Research Project (Smart Tech)
- 202000983 - Professional Development (Smart Tech)
- 202000985 - M5B Interactive Media
- 202000987 - Mathematics for Interactive Media
- 202000988 - Literature Research Project (Intr.Media)
- 202000989 - Professional Development (Intr. Media)
- 202000992 - Design & Research User Experience 6.5 EC
- 202000993 - Artificial Intelligence
- 202000994 - Statistical Techniques
- 202000998 - Responsible Entrepreneurship
- 202000999 - Acting Responsibly
- 202001000 - Empirical Research Methods
- 202001016 - Remote Care Nearby
- 202001474 - Build-up Course Mathematics
- 202001497 - Circuits & Electronics (pre-master)
- 202001498 - Modelling and Control (pre-master)
- 202001499 - Systems and Signals (pre-master)
- 202001500 - Smart Tech Hackathon (pre-master)
- 202001555 - Storytelling through Oral Presentation
- 202100130 - GP I
- 202100151 - M11 Real World Perspective
- 202100160 - M12 We CreaTe Impact
- 202100162 - Reflection II M12
- 202100240 - Smart Environments Core
- 202100241 - Introduction to Engineering
- 202101003 - M8 Data: From the Source to the Senses
- 202101004 - Hybrid Worlds project
- 202101005 - Internet Technology
- 202101006 - Data visualisation
- 202101007 - Data-driven Applications
- 202101008 - ST: Biosignals and Medical Electronics
- 202101009 - IM: Animated storytelling
- 202101010 - Professional Development M8
- 202200082 - REF I
- 202200083 - Documentary Practice
- 202200130 - M1 Foundations of CreaTe
- 202200131 - Introduction to Create
- 202200132 - Mathematics 1
- 202200133 - Intro Computer Science & Programming
- 202200134 - Professional Development M1
- 202200194 - IM Project and Game Engine Technology
- 202200195 - Game Design
- 202200196 - Sound Engineering
- 202200197 - 3D Modeling & Animation
- 202200331 - Academic Writing for pre-master I-Tech
- 202200333 - Interactive Visualization - 2 EC
- 202300036 - Living and Working Tomorrow - 7 EC
- 202300037 - Technology and Society
- 202300041 - Interactive Visualization
- 202300151 - Supplementary Topics CreaTe
- 202300215 - M6 Interaction Design
- 202300216 - Design and Research of User Experience
- 202300217 - Data Analysis for CreaTe
- 202300218 - Professional Development M6
- 202300275 - M7 Hands-on AI
- 202300276 - Artificial Intelligence
- 202300277 - Programming for AI
- 202300278 - Hands-on AI Project
- 202300280 - Professional Development M7

Universiteit Twente
Zilverling (gebouwnr. 11), kamer Smart XP Lab
Hallenweg 19
7522 NH Enschede
Universiteit Twente
Zilverling Smart XP Lab
Postbus 217
7500 AE Enschede
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS)