Prof. dr. ir. Jörg Henseler bezet de leerstoel Product–Market Relations, deel van de vakgroep Design, Production & Management aan de Faculteit Engineering Technology van de Universiteit Twente. Daarnaast is Jörg Henseler gasthoogleraar aan NOVA Information Management School, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, en gasthoogleraar aan de afdeling Business Administration and Marketing aan de Universiteit van Sevilla, Spanje. Zijn brede onderzoeksinteresse omvat empirische methoden van marketing- en designonderzoek, en management van design, producten, diensten en merken. Voor zijn uitstekende onderwijsprestaties is hij meermalen verkozen tot "Docent van het jaar" door studenten van de masteropleiding Business Administration.

Prof. Henseler levert zijn bijdrage aan de wetenschappelijke gemeenschap en is recensent voor verschillende wetenschappelijke tijdschriften.


  • Computer Science

    • Least Squares Methods
    • Models
  • Social Sciences

    • Marketing
    • Approach
    • Research
    • Customer
    • Analysis
    • Structural Equation Modeling



  • Universidade Nova de LisboaVisiting Professor
  • Universidad de SevillaDistinguished Invited Professor
  • Jörg HenselerAuthor, producer, speaker

Prof. dr. ir. Henseler is een vooraanstaand deskundige in partial least squares (PLS) path modeling, een variance-based structural equation modeling techniek die vooral nuttig is voor onderzoek gericht op de succesfactoren voor bedrijven. Hij heeft diverse academische artikelen geschreven, bewerkte twee boeken en zat twee conferenties voor over PLS (zie hieronder de volledige lijst van publicaties). Prof. Dr. Henseler is een veelgevraagd gastspreker, die wereldwijd over structural equation modeling van gedachten wisselt met studenten, wetenschappers en beroepsbeoefenaren, onder meer aan Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (China), Freie Universität Berlin, University of Cologne, University of Duisburg, University of Hamburg, University of Kaiserslautern, University of Paderborn (all Germany), Corvinus University Budapest (Hungary), Universidad Iberoamericana (Mexico), VU University Amsterdam, University of Groningen (both The Netherlands), University of Coimbra, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (both Portugal), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Universidad de Sevilla (Spain), Université de Fribourg (Switzerland), The University of Manchester, Warwick Business School (both UK), en Georgia State University in Atlanta (USA).


Jump to: 2025 | 2024


Exploring Technological Innovation in Advertising Agencies: The Impact of XR Expertise on Customer-facing Brand Communication (2025)[Contribution to conference › Paper] International XR Metaverse Conference (Accepted/In press). A. Lambrecht, A., Henseler, J. & Baumgarth, C.A systematic review of theoretical, methodological, contextual, and content-related foundations of customer delight research (2025)Total Quality Management and Business Excellence (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Stange, R., Scheffler, P. & Henseler, J. augmented reality brand equity (HARBE) model: Building customer-based brand equity through augmented reality. (2025)The journal of brand management (Accepted/In press). A. Lambrecht, A., Henseler, J. & Baumgarth, C. flexible way to study composites in ecology using structural equation modeling (2025)Scientific reports, 15. Article 4597 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Yu, X., Schuberth, F. & Henseler, J. Sum Score Model: Specifying and Testing Equally Weighted Composites Using Structural Equation Modeling (2025)Psychometrika (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Schuberth, F., Schamberger, T., Kemény, I. & Henseler, J. food well-being index for sustainable eating behavior: Construction, validation, and implementation (2025)Food quality and preference, 122. Article 105295. Tian, Y. & Henseler, J. maximum likelihood estimator for composite models (2025)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] German Probability and Statistics Days, GPSD 2025 (Accepted/In press). Schamberger, T., Schuberth, F., Rosseel, Y. & Henseler, J.I want to break free: Brand purpose as an emergent property (2025)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 18th Global Brand Conference 2025 (Accepted/In press). Grimm, N., Sahhar, Y., Schaumann, J. M. & Henseler, J.Oops! I did it again.: Online personal data disclosure regret: A literature review, nomological network and research agenda. (2025)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 2025 AMA Winter Academic Conference. Berry, M., Herrando, C. & Henseler, J.Specifying and testing differences between variables in structural equation modeling using the H-O specification (2025)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] Meeting of the Working Group Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) 2025 (Accepted/In press). Fuchs, E., Schuberth, F. & Henseler, J.


The Purpose of Lead Advertising Agencies in Driving New Technologies in Brand Communication (2024)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 18th Global Brand Conference 2025 (Accepted/In press). A. Lambrecht, A., Henseler, J. & Baumgarth, C.Design for Customer Delight: Advancing Customer Delight Research as a Design Science (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Stange, R. sustainability into food marketing: A design-based extension of the food well-being paradigm (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Tian, Y. can businesses communicate sustainability with customers without backfiring effects?: Using threats in sustainable marketing. (2024)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Conference on Sustainable Operation and Development 2024 (Accepted/In press). Young, K.-Y., Okazaki, S. & Henseler, J.Top managers’ personal branding in a corporate world: Strategizing and overcoming dualities along the career path (2024)Corporate Reputation Review, 27, 249-270. Article CRRR-D-22-00050R2. Scheidt, S., Loohuis, R. & Henseler, J. success management through alignment of marketing, sales and IT (2024)Industrial marketing management, 120, 1-14. Graesch, J. P., Hensel-Börner, S. & Henseler, J. and validation of the Vaccine Barriers Assessment Tool for identifying drivers of under-vaccination in children under five years in Australia (2024)Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics, 20(1). Article 2359623. Kaufman, J., Tuckerman, J., Bonner, C., Durrheim, D. N., Costa, D. S. J., Henseler, J. & Danchin, M. of the Woozle effect and belief perseverance in the PLS-SEM literature! (2024)Electronic Commerce Research: Special Issue on Business Process Integration and E-Commerce Infrastructure, 24, 715-744. Henseler, J., Lee, N., Roemer, E., Kemény, I., Dirsehan, T. & Cadogan, J. powerful parameter tests?: No, rather biased parameter estimates. Some reflections on path analysis with weighted composites (2024)Behavior research methods, 56(4), 4205-4215. Schuberth, F., Schamberger, T. & Henseler, J. PLS become factor-based or should CB-SEM become composite-based? Both! (2024)European journal of information systems (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Henseler, J. & Schuberth, F. and how to use confirmatory composite analysis (CCA) in second language research (2024)Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 46(2), 597-616. Alamer, A., Schuberth, F. & Henseler, J. Marketing Managers Act Sustainable – and Why Not: Towards a Sustainability Acceptance Model (2024)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 53rd EMAC Annual Conference 2024 (Accepted/In press). Hübscher, C. J., Henseler, J. & Hensel-Börner, S.Towards true authentic corporate brands: an existential view (2024)In Proceedings 17th Global Brand Conference, 22-24 April 2024, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. Edinburgh Napier University (Accepted/In press). Grimm, N., Sahhar, Y., Moss, C. & Henseler, J.Categorizing Behavioral and Formed Concepts in Sports Marketing Research (2024)International journal of sports marketing & sponsorship, 25(2), 310-329. Müller, T., Schuberth, F. & Henseler, J. Reputation im digitalen Umfeld: Eine systematische Literaturanalyse (2024)[Contribution to conference › Poster] HAW Forschungstag 2024 (Unpublished). Stephan, R., Hillebrandt, I., Redler, J. & Henseler, J.

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