Social Sciences
- Emerging Market
- Stakeholders
- Transnational Corporation
- Markets
- Qualitative Research
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Political Actor
- Economic and Social Development
I want to break free: Brand purpose as an emergent property (2025)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 18th Global Brand Conference 2025 (Accepted/In press). Grimm, N., Sahhar, Y., Schaumann, J. M. & Henseler, J.
Brand addiction and compulsive buying in female consumers' relationships with food brands (2024)British food journal, 126(3), 1183-1201. Hegner, S., Schaumann, J. M., Francioni, B. & Curina, I. and Measuring Financial Consumer Resilience (2024)In ACR 2023 (pp. 44-47) (Advances in consumer research; Vol. 51). Schaumann, J. M., Hegner, S., Varmaz, A. & Riebe, K.
Market shaping MNCs in emerging markets - stakeholder engagement and the role of embeddedness (2023)Industrial marketing management, 114, 64-79. Schaumann, J. M. & Tarnovskaya, V. and Meassuring Financial Consumer Resilience (2023)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Association of Consumer Research Conference, ACR 2023. Schaumann, J. M., Hegner, S., Varmaz, A. & Riebe, K.Responses to a Simulated Privacy Invasion: Cross-Cultural Comparisons of Invasion and Reward Effects in the US and Germany (2023)[Contribution to conference › Abstract]. Hettche, M., Schaumann, J. M., Kim, D.-H., Riehm , P. & Clayton, M.The St. Pauli Code: Stakeholder engagement and roles in maintaining cultural uniqueness in city branding (2023)In 7th Annual Conference of the International Place Branding Association (IPBA): Place Branding in Times of Criswis and Uncertainty: October 18-20, 2023, Lund University, Campus Helsingborg, Sweden: Book of Abstracts (pp. 84-84). University of Lund. Schaumann, J. & Meißner, S.
Warum hören Menschen Podcasts? Forschungsstand und Forschungsperspektiven zu den Motiven der Podcast-Nutzung (2022)In Podcasts: Perspektiven und Potenziale eines digitalen Mediums. Springer. Rudeloff, C., Schaumann, J. M. & Wiethe, L.
Stakeholder-based Brand Equity (SBBE): A qualitative study of its development through firm-stakeholder interactions in emerging markets (2021)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research external, graduation external]. University of Lund. Schaumann, J. M.
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Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.