Earth and Planetary Sciences
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Computer Science
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GeoSmart cities: An event-driven approach for processing big geodata in smart cities (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Garcia Alvarez, M. G. data exchange and interoperability on LADM country profiles using the ISO framework for enterprise interoperability standard (2024)Land use policy, 146(107333). Article 107333. Oukes, P., Okembo, C. O., Morales Guarin, J. M., Lemmen, C. H. J., Zevenbergen, J. A. & Kuria, D. the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) for Integrated, Standardized, and Sustainable Development of Cadastre Country Profile for Pakistan (2024)Land, 13(6), 1-33. Article 883. Ahsan, M. S., Hussain, E., Lemmen, C. H. J., Chipofya, M. C., Zevenbergen, J. A., Atif, S., Morales Guarin, J. M., Koeva, M. N. & Ali, Z. the survey model of the LADM ISO 19152–2: Land registration (2024)Land use policy, 141. Article 107125. Kalogianni, E., Dimopoulou, E., Gruler, H.-C., Stubkjaer, E., Morales Guarin, J. M., Lemmen, C. H. J. & van Oosterom, P. J. M. improved land administration services:: A model to support cadastral data interoperability among land agencies In Accra, Ghana (2024)In FIG Working Week 2024 (pp. 1-17). Joannides, R., Todorovski, D. & Morales Guarin, J. M.Deriving requirements for integrated and standardised cadastre profile from the legacy Board of Revenue and the contemporary land administration systems (2024)Survey review, 1-21. Ahsan, M. S., Hussain, E., Lemmen, C. H. J., Zevenbergen, J. A., Atif, S., Chipofya, M. C., Ali, Z., Morales Guarin, J. M. & Koeva, M. N. Land Administration Data Exchange and Interoperability Framework for Kenya and Its Significance to the Sustainable Development Goals (2024)Land, 13(4). Article 13040435. Okembo, C. O., Morales Guarin, J. M., Lemmen, C. H. J., Zevenbergen, J. A. & Kuria, D.
Internet-of-Things and Wireless Sensor Networks as Enablers for Soil Observation in Smallholder Farms (2023)[Contribution to conference › Paper] International Conference on Earth Observation and Geo-Spatial Information, ICEOGI 2023. Bayih, A. Z., de By, R. A., Assabie, Y. & Morales Guarin, J. M. High Accuracy Services support through ISO 19152 LADM Edition II (2023)[Contribution to conference › Paper] FIG Working Week 2023. Kalogianni , E., van Oosterom, P. J. M., Schmitz, M., Capua, R., Verbree, E., Dimopoulou, E., Gruler, H.-C., Stubkjaer, E., Nudiens, I., Morales Guarin, J. M. & Lemmen, C. H. J.
Utilization of Internet of Things and wireless sensor networks for sustainable smallholder agriculture (2022)Sensors (Switzerland), 22(9), 1-31. Article 3273. Bayih, A. Z., Morales, J., Assabie, Y. & de By, R. A.
Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024

Universiteit Twente
Langezijds (gebouwnr. 19), kamer 1317
Hallenweg 8
7522 NH Enschede
Universiteit Twente
Langezijds 1317
Postbus 217
7500 AE Enschede