- Tinnitus
- Self-Report
- Regression Model
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Gray Matter
- Thalamus
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Medicine and Dentistry
- Auditory Stimulation
Results of two cross-sectional database analyses regarding nap-induced modulations of tinnitus (2024)Scientific reports, 14(1). Article 20111. Guillard, R., Schecklmann, M., Simoes, J., Langguth, B., Londero, A., Congedo, M., Michiels, S., Vesala, M., Goedhart, H., Wetter, T. & Weber, F. C. out-of-pocket expenses of people with tinnitus in Europe (2024)Journal of Epidemiology, 34(11), 515-525. Article JE20230358. Jarach, C. M., Karydou, K., Trochidis, I., Bernal-Robledano, A., van den Brandt, P. A., Cima, R., Cederroth, C. R., Lopez-Escamez, J. A., Ghislandi, S., Hall, D. A., Kikidis, D., Langguth, B., Lugo, A., Mazurek, B., Odone, A., Schecklmann, M., Schoisswohl, S., Piano Simoes, J., Schlee, W. & Gallus, S. Artificial intelligence and mental health care (2024)Frontiers in Public Health, 12. Article 1461446. Simões, J. P., ten Klooster, P., Neff, P. K., Niemann, U. & Kraiss, J. Participatory Action Research to Redirect Tinnitus Treatment and Research - An Interview Study (2024)Journal of Clinical Medicine, 13(11). Article 3099. Kajüter, J., Schaap, G., Sools, A. & Piano Simoes, J. age-sex-specific mortality, life expectancy, and population estimates in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1950–2021, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 (2024)The Lancet, 403(10440), 1989-2056. Schumacher, A. E., Kyu, H. H., Aali, A., Abbafati, C., Abbas, J., Abbasgholizadeh, R., Abbasi, M. A., Abbasian, M., Abd ElHafeez, S., Abdelmasseh, M., Abd-Elsalam, S., Abdelwahab, A., Abdollahi, M., Abdoun, M., Abdullahi, A., Abdurehman, A. M., Abebe, M., Abedi, A., Abedi, A., … Simões, J. P. content overlap between commonly used self-report instruments for central (pain) sensitization in rheumatology (2024)Rheumatology advances in practice, 8(3). Article rkae108. ten Klooster, P. M., Simoes, J. P. & Vonkeman, H. E.
The statistical analysis plan for the unification of treatments and interventions for tinnitus patients randomized clinical trial (UNITI-RCT) (2023)Trials, 24(1). Article 472. Simoes, J. P., Schoisswohl, S., Schlee, W., Basso, L., Bernal-Robledano, A., Boecking, B., Cima, R., Denys, S., Engelke, M., Escalera-Balsera, A., Gallego-Martinez, A., Gallus, S., Kikidis, D., López-Escámez, J. A., Marcrum, S. C., Markatos, N., Martin-Lagos, J., Martinez-Martinez, M., Mazurek, B., … Langguth, B. study of a smartphone-based tinnitus therapy using structured counseling and sound therapy: A multiple-baseline design with ecological momentary assessment (2023)PLOS Digital Health, 2(1). Article e0000183. Engelke, M., Simões, J., Vogel, C., Schoisswohl, S., Schecklmann, M., Wölflick, S., Pryss, R., Probst, T., Langguth, B. & Schlee, W. Treatment Outcome Through Patient Subgroup Evolution-A Multi-Layer Snapshot Network Approach (2023)[Working paper › Preprint]. Social Science Research Network (SSRN). Puga, C., Niemann, U., Escalera-Balsera, A., Basso, L., Simoes, J., Lopez Escamez, J. A. A., Schlee, W., Langguth, B., Mazurek, B. & Spiliopoulou, M.
The Influence of Diet on Tinnitus Severity: Results of a Large-Scale, Online Survey (2022)Nutrients, 14(24), 5356. Article 5356. Marcrum, S. C., Engelke, M., Goedhart, H., Langguth, B., Schlee, W., Vesala, M. & Piano Simoes, J.
Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
- 201600169 - Masterthesis HPT
- 202000324 - Project Management & Academic Writing
- 202000329 - Group Dynamics & Academic Writing
- 202000337 - Presentation Skills
- 202000375 - Bachelorthesis HPT
- 202000381 - Bachelorthesis PCPT
- 202200076 - Coping with Disease in a Digital Era
- 202200087 - Masterthesis PCPT
- 202200247 - Internship HPT