
  • Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science

    • Neoplasm
    • Malignant Neoplasm
  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Combination Therapy
    • Stroma
    • Peptide
    • Cells
  • Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

    • Fibroblast
    • Integrin



  • ScarTec TherapeuticsManagement of ScarTec Therapeutics


Repurposing Tamoxifen for Tumor Microenvironment Priming and Enhanced Tumor-Targeted Drug Delivery, Article 2300098. Biancacci, I., De Santis, D., Rama, E., Benderski, K., Momoh, J., Pohlberger, R., Moeckel, D., Kaps, L., Rijcken, C. J. F., Prakash, J., Thewissen, M., Kiessling, F., Shi, Y., Peña, Q., Sofias, A. M., Consolino, L. & Lammers, T. the antihistamine ebastine as an intracellular siRNA delivery enhancer, Article 123348. Muntean, C., Blondeel, E., Harinck, L., Pednekar, K., Prakash, J., De Wever, O., Chain, J. L., De Smedt, S. C., Remaut, K. & Raemdonck, K. BINDING PEPTIDE AND USE OF THE SAME. Prakash, J.Strategies to overcome barriers for cancer (nano)medicines. University of Twente. Priwitaningrum, D. L. of paclitaxel-loaded polymeric nanoparticles in 3D tumor model: impact of tumor stroma on penetration and efficacy, 1470-1483. Priwitaningrum, D. L., Pednekar, K., Gabriël, A. V., Varela-Moreira, A. A., Gac, S. L., Vellekoop, I., Storm, G., Hennink, W. E. & Prakash, J. Abstract Book: 2nd International Conference on NANOMEDICINE meets the TUMOR MICROENVIRONMENT (In preparation). Prakash, J. & ten Hoopen, H. W. M. mimicking of stroma-induced vasculature compression in pancreatic tumors using a 3D engineered model, 18-33. Heinrich, M. A., Uboldi, I., Kuninty, P. R., Ankone, M. J. K., van Baarlen, J., Zhang, Y. S., Jain, K. & Prakash, J. Vivo Detection of Circulating Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts in Breast Tumor Mouse Xenograft: Impact of Tumor Stroma and Chemotherapy, Article 1127. Lu, T., Oomens, L., Terstappen, L. W. M. M. & Prakash, J. contamination alters macrophage-cancer cell interaction and therapeutic efficacy in pre-clinical 3D in vitro models, Article 213220. Heinrich, M. A., Heinrich, L., Ankone, M. J. K., Vergauwen, B. & Prakash, J.
Cancer immune therapy using engineered ‛tail-flipping’ nanoliposomes targeting alternatively activated macrophages, Article 4548. Kuninty, P. R., Binnemars-Postma, K., Jarray, A., Pednekar, K. P., Heinrich, M. A., Pijffers, H. J., ten Hoopen, H., Storm, G., van Hoogevest, P., den Otter, W. K. & Prakash, J. fibroblasts: Origin, function, imaging, and therapeutic targeting, Article 114504. Rimal, R., Desai, P., Daware, R., Hosseinnejad, A., Prakash, J., Lammers, T. & Singh, S. microenvironments: Time to engineer medicines. University of Twente. Prakash, J.Tissue-adhesive hydrogel for multimodal drug release to immune cells in skin, 211-220. Day, N. B., Dalhuisen, R., Loomis, N. E., Adzema, S. G., Prakash, J. & Shields IV, C. W. tumor microenvironment by 3D bioprinting: 3D cancer modeling, Article 032002. Shukla, P., Yeleswarapu, S., Heinrich, M. A., Prakash, J. & Pati, F. of macrophages and hepatic stellate cells for the treatment of liver diseases. University of Twente. Kurniawan, D. W. of endotoxins on bioengineered tissues and models, 532-534. Heinrich, M. A., Mangia, M. & Prakash, J. novel therapeutic strategies against tumor stroma and fibrosis. University of Twente. Mardhian, D. F. kinase as a potential therapeutic target in non-alcoholic and alcoholic steatohepatitis, Article e18. Kurniawan, D. W., Booijink, R. S., Jajoriya, A. K., Dhawan, G., Mishra, D., Oosterhuis, D., Argemi, J., Storm, G., Olinga, P., Bataller, R., Mohanty, S. K., Mishra, D. P., Prakash, J. & Bansal, R. the tumor microenvironment: Novel 3D in vitro models to study cellular interactions & therapeutics. University of Twente. Heinrich, M. A. Tumor Stroma: Biology and Therapeutics. Prakash, J. in vitro Models to Mimic the Tumor MicroenvironmentIn The Tumor Stroma: Biology and Therapeutics. Taylor & Francis. Alexander, M., Huynh, N. T., Zhang, Y. S. & Prakash, J.


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Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024

Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.

Vakken collegejaar 2022/2023

In de pers

Volkskrant Newspaper (Sep 2019): Verzwakte muur om kankercellen biedt chemo een kans.

Tubantia Newspaper,   “UT sets new steps in the treatment of pancreatic cancer”, 10 Nov 2017.

U-Today, Science and Technology magazine  “Novel treatment to kill cancer by targeting stroma” Oct, 2017.

“KNCV Golden Master award 2017” to Marcel Heinrich (PhD student under my supervision), for his master project in my group on "Lipids against Cancer".

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Perspectief Op Effectievere Behandeling Alsvleesklierkanker

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