
  • Material Science

    • Temperature
    • Devices
    • Tungsten
    • Metal
    • Electrical Resistivity
  • Physics

    • Electric Potential
    • Silicon
    • Wafer



Fluid classification with integrated flow and pressure sensors using machine learning, Article 114762. Alveringh, D., Le, D. V., Groenesteijn, J., Schmitz, J. & Lötters, J. C. of Photodiodes in 22 nm FDSOI at 850 nmIn ESSDERC 2023 - IEEE 53rd European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC) (pp. 65-68). IEEE. Bakker, J. H. T., Oude Alink, M. S., Schmitz, J. & Nauta, B. Resistivity of FFF Printed Carbon Black Doped PolymersIn 2023 IEEE International Conference on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS). IEEE. Jonkers, H., Kosmas, D., Schmitz, J. & Krijnen, G. analysis of potential-induced degradation in a commercial CIGS PV module. Yilmaz, P., de Wild, J., Aninat, R., Weber, T., Vermang, B., Schmitz, J. & Theelen, M. to “Inaccuracies in contact resistivity from the Cox–Strack method: A review” [Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 246 (2022) 111909], Article 112254. van Wijngaarden, B., Yang, J. & Schmitz, J. world of chips: How do you make chips? . Ackermann, M., Nauta, B. & Schmitz, J. and Degradation in Silicon PV Systems Under Outdoor Conditions in Relation to Reliability Aspects of Silicon PV Modules - Summary of Results of COST Action PEARL PVIn 2023 IEEE 50th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, PVSC 2023. IEEE. Lindig, S., Ascencio-Vásquez, J., Leloux, J., Moser, D., Aghaei, M., Fairbrother, A., Gok, A., Ahmad, S., Kazim, S., Lobato, K., Van Sark, W. J. G. H. M., Pearsall, N., Burduhos, B. G., Raghoebarsing, A., Oreski, G., Schmitz, J., Theelen, M., Yilmaz, P., Kettle, J. & Reinders, A. H. M. E.
Review of technology specific degradation in crystalline silicon, cadmium telluride, copper indium gallium selenide, dye sensitised, organic and perovskite solar cells in photovoltaic modules: Understanding how reliability improvements in mature technologies can enhance emerging technologies, 1365-1392. Kettle, J., Aghaei, m., Ahmad, S., Fairbrother, A., Irvine, S., Jacobsson, J., Kazim, S., Kazukauskas, V., Lamb, D., Lobato, K., Mousdis, G. E. O. R. G. I. O. S., Oreski, G., Reinders, A., Schmitz, J., Yilmaz, P. & Theelen, M. in contact resistivity from the Cox–Strack method: A review, Article 111909, 1-8. van Wijngaarden, B., Yang, J. & Schmitz, J. analysis of a commercial Copper Indium Gallium Diselenide (CIGS) photovoltaic module after potential induced degradation, 640-647. Yilmaz, P., Aninat, R., Cruz, G. O., Weber, T., Schmitz, J. & Theelen, M. of degradation and failure phenomena in photovoltaic modules, Article 112160. Aghaei, M., Fairbrother, A., Gok, A., Kazim, S., Lobato, K., Oreski, G., Reinders, A., Schmitz, J., Theelen, M., Yilmaz, P. & Kettle, J. induced degradation of CIGS PV systems: A literature review, Article 111819. Yilmaz, P., Schmitz, J. & Theelen, M. of hot-carrier degraded nMOSFETs. University of Twente. de Jong, M. J.
Effect of Ambient on the Recovery of Hot-Carrier Degraded DevicesIn 2020 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium, IRPS 2020 - Proceedings, Article 9129540. IEEE. De Jong, M. J., Salm, C. & Schmitz, J. of short-circuit transients in the LHC main dipole circuit, Article 012077. Liakopoulou, A., Annema, A. J., Bortot, L., Charifoulline, Z., MacIejewski, M., Prioli, M., Ravaioli, E., Salm, C., Schmitz, J. & Verweij, A. P. electrostatic doping approaches in ultra-thin body semiconductor materials and devices. University of Twente. Gupta, G. and electric field effect in ultra-thin tungsten films, Article 9016070, 202-209. van der Zouw, K., Aarnink, A. A. I., Schmitz, J. & Kovalgin, A. Y. Scaling of Parasitic Capacitance in FETs with a High-K Channel MaterialIn 2020 IEEE 33rd International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures (ICMTS), Article 9107901. IEEE. Smink, A. E. M., de Jong, M. J., Hilgenkamp, H., Van Der Wiel, W. G. & Schmitz, J. the Accuracy of the Cox-Strack Equation and Method for Contact Resistivity Determination, Article 9031713, 1757-1763. van Rijnbach, M., Hueting, R. J. E., Stodolny, M., Janssen, G., Melskens, J. & Schmitz, J. Tag Failure after Thermal OverstressIn 2019 IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop, IIRW 2019, Article 8989885. IEEE. Ozturk, E., Dikkers, M. J., Batenburg, K. M., Salm, C. & Schmitz, J.


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