
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Metropolitan Area
    • Observation
    • Earth
    • Datum
    • Investigation
    • Morphology
    • Shape
    • Land Surface Temperature



AI perceives like a local: predicting citizen deprivation perception using satellite imagery, Article 20, 1-14. Abascal, A., Vanhuysse, S., Grippa, T., Rodriguez-Carreño, I., Georganos, S., Wang, J., Kuffer, M., Martinez-Diez, P., Santamaria-Varas, M. & Wolff, E. spatial data-driven urban pattern language framework for design and planning: Towards facilitation stakeholder participation. University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC). Wu, C. deep learning model for mapping deprived areasIn 2024 International Conference on Machine Intelligence for GeoAnalytics and Remote Sensing, MIGARS 2024. IEEE. Filho, P. S., Tareke, B., Persello, C., Kuffer, M., Maretto, R., Abascal, A., Wang, J. & MacHado, R. Urban Slum Population Visible: Citizens and Satellites to Reinforce Slum CensusesIn Urban Inequalities from Space: Earth Observation Applications in the Majority World (pp. 287-302). Abascal, A., Georganos, S., Kuffer, M., Vanhuysse, S., Thomson, D., Wang, J., Manyasi, L., Otunga, D. M., Ochieng, B., Ochieng, T., Klinnert, J. & Wolff, E. the Invisible on the Map: Low-Cost Earth Observation for Mapping and Characterizing Deprived Urban Areas (Slums)In Urban Inequalities from Space: Earth Observation Applications in the Majority World (pp. 119-137). Vanhuysse, S., Kuffer, M., Georganos, S., Wang, J., Abascal, A., Grippa, T. & Wolff, E.


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