Computer Science
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- Emerging Technology
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Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021
Sensors and sensing practices: shaping farming system strategies toward agricultural sustainability (2025)Agriculture and Human Values (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Gorissen, L., Konrad, K. & Turnhout, E.
Ageing in your place: Envisioning healthy, happy, and safe ageing in a neighbourhood with citizen science methods (2024)In Meeting the Inclusion Challenge in Innovation: Giving Voice to Users (pp. 101-119) (De Gruyter Studies in Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Vol. 8). Walter de Gruyter. van Leersum, C. M., Konrad, K. & van der Zwart, J. the citizen science ladder: Juxtaposing citizens’ levels of participation and influence in research analysis and dissemination (2024)In Meeting the Inclusion Challenge in Innovation: Giving Voice to Users (pp. 121-141) (De Gruyter Studies in Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Vol. 8). Walter de Gruyter. van der Zwart, J., van Leersum, C. M. & Konrad, K. creation of a community to engage in innovation processes and citizen science (2024)In Meeting the Inclusion Challenge in Innovation: Giving Voice to Users (pp. 83-99) (De Gruyter Studies in Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Vol. 8). Walter de Gruyter. van Leersum, C. M., Malik, Z., van der Zwart, J. & Konrad, K. with my diabetes – introducing eHealth into daily practices of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (2024)Digital Health, 10. van Leersum, C. M., Konrad, K., Bults, M. & den Ouden, M.
Making a difference?: Nanotechnology and the quest for Responsible Innovation (2023)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Walhout, B. voor preventieve zorg en welzijn: Inzicht in behoeften en mogelijkheden van burgers om met technologie aan hun gezondheid te werken (2023)In Veldboek burgerwetenschap voor gezondheid: Praktijkervaringen in regio Twente (pp. 100-106). TOPFIT Citizenlab. ter Huurne, E., van der Zwart, J., Konrad, K. & Kloek, G.Engaging older adults with a migration background to explore the usage of digital technologies in coping with dementia (2023)Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 1125834. Article 1125834. van Leersum, C. M., Konrad, K., Siebrand, E., Malik, Z. & den Ouden, M.
Constructive Technology Assessment: Linking TA to Innovation Processes (2022)[Working paper › Working paper]. University of Twente. Konrad, K. E.
Innovation ecosystem strategies of industrial firms: A multilayered approach to alignment and strategic positioning (2021)Creativity and innovation management, 30(3), 619-631. Visscher, K., Hahn, K. & Konrad, K. Technology Assessment – TA als konstruktives Element im Innovationsprozess (2021)In Technikfolgenabschätzung: Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Praxis (pp. 209-219). Nomos Verlag. Konrad, K.
Verbonden aan opleidingen
Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
- 194100040 - Master Thesis BA
- 201300088 - Master's Thesis PSTS
- 201300089 - Master's Thesis PSTS
- 201500101 - Master Thesis Research Proposal
- 201500102 - Master Thesis Research Project
- 201800149 - Anticipation & eval. of emerging technol
- 202000111 - Proj. Analysis Energy Syst. &Ac.Skills 2
- 202000150 - Academic Research & Skills
- 202000155 - Societal Embedding Assignment
- 202000163 - Industry 4.0 with Human Touch
- 202000423 - Professional and Academic Development M7
- 202001421 - Gov. of Inn. and Socio-Technical Change
- 202001556 - Societal Emb. MSc assignment NT & CSE
- 202100093 - Technologies and Discourse
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
- 194100040 - Master Thesis BA
- 201300088 - Master's Thesis PSTS
- 201300089 - Master's Thesis PSTS
- 201500101 - Master Thesis Research Proposal
- 201500102 - Master Thesis Research Project
- 201800149 - Anticipation & eval. of emerging technol
- 201900178 - Master Thesis PSTS-BA
- 202000150 - Academic Research & Skills
- 202000154 - Research Assignment
- 202000155 - Societal Embedding Assignment
- 202000163 - Industry 4.0 with Human Touch
- 202000423 - Professional and Academic Development M7
- 202001421 - Gov. of Inn. and Socio-Technical Change
- 202001556 - Societal Emb. MSc assignment NT & CSE
- 202100093 - Technologies and Discourse
Lopende projecten
Socio-technical pathways and material choices for a responsible electrification of the production of chemicals and fuels
Releasing the power of users
DIRECT - Diffuse Irradiance Redirector for Efficient ConcenTration
Highly multiplexed photonics integrated circuit (PIC) sensors for the rapid diagnostics of sepsis
Voltooide projecten
Theatrical Technology Assessment
Theatrical Technology Assessment
gefinanceerd via NWO - NWA QuantumNanoRoute
TopFit Citizenlab
Digitalize or Die - Dynamic Drivers of Responsible Innovation in Health and Welfare Services
Safe and Societally Robust Innovative Materials and Products
Industrial Innovation in Transition (IIT) (EU-H2020)
Research and Innovation Futures
funded by EU FP7
Anticipating on technological developments and their embedding in society
Nanotechnologie in dienst van veiligheid en justitie
funded by the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice
Towards a common research agenda on the socio-technical aspects of net-zero, sustainable data centers

Universiteit Twente
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Hallenweg 17
7522 NH Enschede
Universiteit Twente
Ravelijn 5101
Postbus 217
7500 AE Enschede