- Regression Model
- Simultaneous Inference
- Transforms
- Approximation
- Convolution
- Extreme Value Theory
- Samples
- Asymptotic Normality
Transfer learning, generative modelling, and nonparametric regression (2025)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Zamolodtchikov, P.
A two-sample test based on averaged Wilcoxon rank sums over interpoint distances (2024)[Working paper › Preprint]. Betken, A., Marjanovic, A. & Proksch, K. quantitative super-resolution microscopy: molecular maps with statistical guarantees (2024)Microscopy, 73(3), 287-300. Proksch, K., Werner, F., Keller–Findeisen, J., Ta, H. & Munk, A.
Fatigue detection via sequential testing of biomechanical data using martingale statistic (2023)[Working paper › Preprint]. Basu, R. & Proksch, K.
From Small Scales to Large Scales: Distance-to-Measure Density based Geometric Analysis of Complex Data (2022)[Working paper › Working paper]. Proksch, K., Weitkamp, C. A., Staudt, T., Lelandais, B. & Zimmer, C. quantitative super-resolution microscopy: Molecular maps with statistical guarantees (2022)[Working paper › Preprint]. Proksch, K., Werner, F., Munk, A., Keller-Findeisen, J. & Ta, H.
Two perspectives on high-dimensional estimation problems: posterior contraction and median-of-means (2021)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Finocchio, G. detection of changes over time in image data from fluorescence microscopy of living cells (2021)Scandinavian journal of statistics, 48(3), 1001-1017. Bissantz, K., Bissantz, N. & Proksch, K. square-root LASSO, simultaneous inference with a MOM approach (2021)[Working paper › Working paper]. Finocchio, G., Derumigny, A. & Proksch, K.
Simultaneous inference for Berkson errors-in-variables regression under fixed design (2020)[Working paper › Working paper]. Proksch, K., Bissantz, N. & Holzmann, H.
Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
- 191508209 - Internship AM
- 191508309 - Final Project (combination)
- 191508409 - Final Project M-AM
- 201800524 - Research Topics EIT
- 201900194 - Research Topics I-Tech
- 201900234 - Internship I-Tech
- 202000186 - Statistics
- 202001033 - Statistical Techniques for TCS/BIT
- 202001377 - Simultaneous Statistical Inference
- 202300016 - Mathematical Statistics 1
- 202300130 - Capita Selecta Applied Mathematics
- 202400669 - Capita Selecta Applied Mathematics 2
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
- 191508209 - Internship AM
- 191508309 - Final Project (combination)
- 191508409 - Final Project M-AM
- 200900030 - Onderzoek van Wiskunde
- 201800524 - Research Topics EIT
- 201900194 - Research Topics I-Tech
- 201900195 - Final Project I-Tech
- 201900234 - Internship I-Tech
- 202000186 - Statistics
- 202001377 - Simultaneous Statistical Inference
- 202200398 - Internship AM-CS
- 202300130 - Capita Selecta Applied Mathematics

Universiteit Twente
Zilverling (gebouwnr. 11), kamer 2098
Hallenweg 19
7522 NH Enschede
Universiteit Twente
Zilverling 2098
Postbus 217
7500 AE Enschede