
  • Computer Science

    • Linguistics
    • Evaluation
    • Sentiment Analysis
    • Rhetoric
    • User
  • Arts and Humanities

    • Liberty
    • System
  • Psychology

    • Narrative



Beyond the Headlines: Understanding Sentiments and Morals Impacting Female Employment in Spain. Araque, O., Barbaglia, L., Berlingieri, F., Colagrossi, M., Gatti, L., Consoli, S., Mauri, C. & Kalimeri, K. does a Text Classifier Learn about Morality? An Explainable Method for Cross-Domain Comparison of Moral RhetoricIn Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers) (pp. 14113-14132). Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). Liscio, E., Araque, O., Gatti, L., Constantinescu, I., Jonker, C. M., Kalimeri, K. & Murukannaiah, P. K.
LibertyMFD: A Lexicon to Assess the Moral Foundation of Liberty.In GoodIT 2022 - Proceedings of the 2022 ACM Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (pp. 154-160). Association for Computing Machinery. Araque, O., Gatti, L. & Kalimeri, K. evaluations of automated linguistic creativity, 451–476. Gatti, L., Stock, O., Strapparava, C. & Özbal, G. a Bilingual Emotion Lexicon Built Through Simple Yet Powerful Techniques, 496-507. Araque, O., Gatti, L., Staiano, J. & Guerini, M.
The Propaganda Machine: Generating Biased Reports about Risk GamesIn 3rd IEEE Conference on Games, CoG 2021. Dulfer, R. & Gatti, L. and Computational Linguistic CreativityIn Handbook of Cognitive Mathematics (pp. 1-39). Springer. Gatti, L., Stock, O. & Strapparava, C. introducing the Multilingual Emotional Football Corpus, 389-430. Braun, N., van der Lee, C., Gatti, L., Goudbeek, M. & Krahmer, E. Language of Liberty. Araque, O., Gatti, L. & Kalimeri, K.


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