
  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Septic Shock
    • Esmolol
    • Experimental Septic Shock
    • Heart Arrest
    • Mean Arterial Pressure
  • Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science

    • Lipopolysaccharide
    • Hypertensive Factor
    • Inflammation




Understanding the complexity of cardiogenic shock management: the added value of advanced computational modeling (2024)Current Opinion in Critical Care, 30(4), 340-343. Meuwese, C. L., van Loon, L. M. & Donker, D. W. modeling of heart failure in microgravity transitions (2024)Frontiers in Physiology, 15. Article 1351985. Wilson, S. L., Schulte, K. M., Steins, A., Gruen, R. L., Tucker, E. M. & van Loon, L. M.


Contribution of alarm noise to average sound pressure levels in the ICU: An observational cross-sectional study (2020)Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 61. Article 102901. Vreman, J., van Loon, L. M., van den Biggelaar, W., van der Hoeven, J. G., Lemson, J. & van den Boogaard, M. inspiration hold maneuver is a reliable method to assess mean systemic filling pressure but its clinical value remains unclear (2020)Annals of Translational Medicine, 8(21). Article 1390. van Loon, L. M., Hoeven van der, H., Veltink, P. H. & Lemson, J. role of venous return in organ perfusion (2020)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. van Loon, L. M. of Vasopressors on the Macro- and Microcirculation during Systemic Inflammation in Humans in Vivo (2020)Shock, 53(2), 171-174. Van Loon, L. M., Stolk, R. F., Van Der Hoeven, J. G., Veltink, P. H., Pickkers, P., Lemson, J. & Kox, M.


β-Blockade attenuates renal blood flow in experimental endotoxic shock by reducing perfusion pressure (2019)Physiological Reports, 7(23). Article e14301. van Loon, L. M., Rongen, G. A., van der Hoeven, J. G., Veltink, P. H. & Lemson, J.


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