
  • Computer Science

    • Multiple Scattering
    • Wireless Communication
    • Functions
    • Application Layer
    • Correlation
  • Physics

    • Degrees of Freedom
    • Optical Communication
    • Quantum Communication




Light Sorting Metamaterial (2025)[Non-textual form › Digital or Visual Products]. Mulder, B.


Strong group delay dispersion in 3D photonic band gap crystals and in planar microcavities. (2024)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 12th European Optical Society Annual Meeting, EOSAM 2024. Mulder, B., Vos, W. L. & Lagendijk, A.


Spontaneous Emission of PbS Quantum Dots Controlled by Silicon Photonic Band Gap Crystals (2023)[Contribution to conference › Poster] MESA+ Meeting 2023. Vreman, T. J., van den Oudenrijn, J., Goodwin, M. J., Rates, A., Akdemir, O., Mulder, L., Schulz, A. S., F. L. Alferink, N., Corbijn van Willenswaard, L. J., Kamphuis, G. J., Harteveld, C. A. M., Takahashi, S., Lagendijk, A. & Vos, W. L.Enhanced secrecy in optical communication using speckle from multiple scattering layers (2023)Optics express, 31(15), 23897-23909. Rates, A., Vrehen, J., Mulder, B., Ijzerman, W. L. & Vos, W. L. Scattering Layers As Physical Unclonable Functions For Optical Wireless Communication (2023)[Contribution to conference › Poster] Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023. Rates, A., Vrehen, J., Mulder, B., IJzerman, W. L. & Vos, W. L.Multiple Scattering Layers As Physical Unclonable Functions For Optical Wireless Communication (2023)In 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023 (Proceedings - Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023; Vol. 2023). IEEE. Rates, A., Vrehen, J., Mulder, B. L., IJzerman, W. L. & Vos, W. L.



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