Computer Science
- Simulation
- Algorithms
- Control
- Dwell Time
- Robust Approach
- Value of Information
Social Sciences
- Heat
- Mathematical Model
Improving the optimization in model predictive controllers: Scheduling large groups of electric vehicles (2024)[Working paper › Working paper]. Winschermann, L., Gerards, M. E. T. & Hurink, J. L.
Robust and Predictive Charging of Large Electric Vehicle Fleets in Grid Constrained Parking Lots (2023)In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm) (pp. 1-6). Article 10333900. IEEE. Hoogsteen, G., Winschermann, L., Nijenhuis, B., Arias, N. B. & Hurink, J. L. Guarantees and Veto-Buttons into the Charging of Electric Vehicles at Office Buildings (2023)In 2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT EUROPE) (pp. 1-5). Article 10408515. IEEE. Winschermann, L., Hoogsteen, G. & Hurink, J. L. the value of information for electric vehicle charging strategies at office buildings (2023)Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 185, 113600. Article 113600. Winschermann, L., Bañol Arias, N., Hoogsteen, G. & Hurink, J. L. Electric Vehicle Charging to Speed Scaling with Job-Specific Speed Limits (2023)[Working paper › Working paper]. (Submitted). Winschermann, L., Gerards, M. E. T., Antoniadis, A., Hoogsteen, G. & Hurink, J. L. the heat transition (2023)In Scientific Proceedings of the Study Group Mathematics with Industry SWI 2023 (pp. 37 - 92). Studiegroep Wiskunde met de Industrie. Ahsan, M., van der Bijl, L., Bodas, S., Buccoliero, F., Chen, Y., Correia, J. M. C., Gebretekle, T. K., Hashemi, L., van der Hijden, J., Leonardi, F., Lord, G., Machado Martinez, J. E., Tang, Z., Winschermann, L. & Yu, J.
Protecting the distribution grid while maximizing EV energy flexibility with transparency and active user engagement (2022)In CIRED Porto Workshop 2022: E-mobility and power distribution systems (pp. 209-213). Article 9841922. IET. Nijenhuis, B., Winschermann, L., Bañol Arias, N., Hoogsteen, G. & Hurink, J. L.

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