
dr. M.A. Lopuhaä - Zwakenberg (Milan)

Universitair docent

Over mij

Uitspraak: [ˈmilɑn loʷpuˈɦaʔa ˈzʋakəmbɛrχ]

Ik ben universitair docent bij de FMT-groep, werkzaam bij het CAESAR-project onder Mariëlle Stoelinga. Mijn onderzoek richt zich op wiskundige eigenschappen van privacy-, security- en safety-metrieken en hun toepassingen.In het bijzonder heb ik differential privacy en diens toepassingen in dataverzamelen, machine learning, en gedistribueerd rekenen bestudeerd.


In het verleden heb ik ook onderzoek gedaan naar vergelijkende Indo-Europese taalwetenschap, vooral Albanees, en in aritmetische algebraïsche meetkunde. Mijn proefschrift ging over moduliruimten van abelse variëteiten.



  1. MLZ, aankomend. Attack tree metrics are operad algebras. CSF 2024.
  2. MLZ & Mariëlle Stoelinga, aankomend. Time analysis inf dynamic attack trees via integer linear programming (preprint). SEFM 2023.
  3. Stefano M. Nicoletti, MLZ, E. Moritzh Hahn & Mariëlle Stoelinga, aankomend. MAL: a Logic for Quantitative Security Properties on Attack Trees. SEFM 2023.
  4. Stefano M. Nicoletti, Mattia Fumagalli, MLZ, E. Moritz Hahn, Giancarlo Guizzardi & Mariëlle Stoelinga, aankomend. Property Specifications and Models for Risk: Toward Risk Propagation Graphs. SAFECOMP 2023.
  5. Reza Soltani, Matthias Volk, Leonardo Diamonte, Milan Lopuhaä-Zwakenberg & Mariëlle Stoelinga, aankomend. Optimal spare management via statistical model checking: A case study in research reactors. FMICS 2023.
  6. MLZ & Mariëlle Stoelinga, 2023. Cost-damage analysis of attack trees (preprint). DSN 2023.
  7. Stefano M. Nicoletti, MLZ, E. Moritz Hahn & Mariëlle Stoelinga, 2023. PFL: A Probabilistic Logic for Fault Trees. FM 2023.
  8. MLZ, Boris Škorić & Ninghui Li, 2022. Fisher Information as a Utility Metric for Frequency Estimation under Local Differential Privacy. WPES 2022.
  9. MLZ, Carlos E. Budde & Mariëlle Stoelinga, 2022. Efficient and Generic Algorithms for Quantitative Attack Tree Analysis (preprint). In: Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing.
  10. Qiongxiu Li, MLZ, Richard Heusdens & Mads Græsbøll Christensen, 2022. Two for the price of one: communication efficient and privacy-preserving distributed average consensus using quantization. EUSIPCO 2022.
  11. Jasper Goseling & MLZ, 2022. Robust Optimization for Local Differential Privacy. ISIT 2022.
  12. MLZ, Mina Sheikhalishahi, Jeroen Kivits, Jordi Klarenbeek, Gert-Jan van der Velde & Niccola Zannone, 2021. Comparing Classifiers' Preformance under Differential Privacy. SECRYPT 2021.
  13. MLZ & Jasper Goseling, 2021. Robust Local Differential Privacy. ISIT 2021.
  14. MLZ, Haochen Tong & Boris Škorić, 2020. Data Sanitisation for the Privacy Funnel with Local Differential Privacy Guarantees (preprint). International Journal on Advances in Security 13(3&4), page 162-174.
  15. MLZ, Zitao Li, Boris Škorić & Ninghui Li, 2020. Improving Frequency Estimation under Local Differential Privacy (preprint). WPES 2020.
  16. Zitao Li, Tianhao Wang, MLZ, Boris Škorić & Ninghui Li, 2020. Estimating Numerical Distributions under Local Differential Privacy (preprint). ACM SIGMOD 2020.
  17. Tianhao Wang, MLZ, Zitao Li, Boris Škorić & Ninghui Li, 2020.  Locally Differentially Private Frequency Estimation with Consitency (preprint). NDSS 2020.
  18. MLZ, 2020. History of the Albanian present suffix -i/-ën from Proto-Indo-European to the modern dialects. In: Indogermanische Forschungen 125(1), page 51-78.
  19. MLZ, 2020. The Privacy funnel from the viewpoint of Local Differential Privacy (preprint). ICDS 2020.
  20. MLZ, 2019. The Anatolian "ergative" (preprint). In: Alwin Kloekhorst & Tijmen Pronk (eds.), The Precursors of Proto-Indo-European: The Indo-Anatolian and Indo-Uralic Hypotheses, volume 21 of Leiden Studies in Indo-European, page 131-150. Brill, Leiden.
  21. MLZ, 2018. The zeta Functions of Moduli Stacks of G-zips and Moduli Stacks of Truncated Barsotti-Tate Groups. In: Documenta Mathematica 23, page 1799-1828.
  22. MLZ, 2015. Albanian presents in -oj, -uaj and -(y)ej. In: Bardhyl Demiraj (ed.), Sprache und Kultur der Albaner. Zeitliche und räumliche Dimensionen. Akten der 5. Deutsch-Albanischen kulturwissenschaftlichen Tagung (6.-9. Juni 2014, Buçimas/Albanien), volume 37 of Albanische Forschungen, page 175-195. Harrasowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden.


  1. MLZ & Mariëlle Stoelinga, 2021. Attack time analysis in dynamic attack trees via integer linear programming.
  2. MLZ & Jasper Goseling, 2021. The Privacy-Utility Tradeoff of Local Differential Privacy.
  3. MLZ, Boris Škorić & Ninghui Li, 2019. Information-theoretic metrics for Local Differential Privacy protocols.
  4. MLZ, 2017. Integral models of reductive groups and integral Mumford-Tate groups



Proefschrift (2018): Moduli of abelian varieties via linear algebraic groups

MA-scriptie (2014): Form, function and history of the present suffix -i/-ën in Albanian and its dialects

MSc-scriptie (2014): Pink's conjecture on semiabelian varieties

BA-scriptie (2012): Nasaalpresentia in het Albanees

BSc-scriptie (2011): Field topologies on algebraic extensions of finite fields

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Universiteit Twente
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Zilverling (gebouwnr. 11), kamer 3078
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7522NH  Enschede

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Universiteit Twente
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Zilverling  3078
Postbus 217
7500 AE Enschede