
  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Endoscope
    • Evaluation Study
    • Tissues
  • Computer Science

    • Control
    • Robotics
  • Engineering

    • Modules
    • Pneumatics
    • Haptics



IRE made easy: introducing the robotic grid system for multiple parallel needle insertion in irreversible electroporation treatment (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Wardhana, G., Fütterer, J. J. & Abayazid, M. Novel Rehabilitative Soft Robotics Knee Brace for ACL deficient patientsIn 2024 International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA). IEEE. Naghibi, H., Khambati, H., Ryolo, A. & Abayazid, M. Methodology for a 3D Printable Multi-Degree of Freedom Soft Actuator Using Geometric Origami Patterns, Article 2300666. Mak, Y. X., Dijkshoorn, A. & Abayazid, M. respiratory-induced motion estimation using abdominal surface displacement as a surrogate: robotic phantom and clinical validation with varied correspondence models (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Cordón Avila, A. & Abayazid, M. Learning based acoustic measurement approach for robotic applications on orthopedics. Lan, B., Abayazid, M., Verdonschot, N., Stramigioli, S. & Niu, K.A comprehensive review of haptic feedback in minimally invasive robotic liver surgery: Advancements and challenges, Article e2605. Selim, M., Dresscher, D. & Abayazid, M. mimics as a potential translational framework for planning and testing irreversible electroporation with multiple electrodes, Article e10607. Vera-Tizatl, A. L., van der Hee, R., Cornelissen, J., Vera-Tizatl, C. E., Abayazid, M. & Fütterer, J. J.
Development of Haptic Approaches for a Head-Controlled Soft Robotic EndoscopeIn 2020 8th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference for Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, BioRob 2020, Article 9224351 (pp. 1216-1222). IEEE. Mak, Y. X., Lanciano, A., Stramigioli, S. & Abayazid, M. of a Soft Robotics Diaphragm to Simulate Respiratory MotionIn 2020 8th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference for Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, BioRob 2020, Article 9224282 (pp. 140-145). IEEE. Naghibi, H., van Dorp, J. & Abayazid, M. of a respiratory motion compensation method for DEMCON's needle positioning system. University of Twente. Keulers, E. M.


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Vakken collegejaar 2022/2023

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