
  • Chemistry

    • Titanium Dioxide
    • Photocatalytic
    • Nanotube
    • Surface
    • Nanoparticle
    • Structure
  • Material Science

    • Nanotubes
    • Metal




Pulsed-Current Operation Enhances H2O2 Production on a Boron-Doped Diamond Mesh Anode in a Zero-Gap PEM Electrolyzer (2025)ChemSusChem. Article e202401947 (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Vass, A., Göltz, M., Ghanem, H., Rosiwal, S., Franken, T., Palkovits, R., Mul, G., Tsampas, M. N., Katsoukis, G. & Altomare, M.


Suppressing Charge Recombination by Engineering Homojunctions in Brookite TiO2 Nanorods for Enhanced Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution (2024)ACS Applied Energy Materials, 7(20), 9422-9432. Hejazi, S. M. H., Shahrezaei, M., Kalytchuk, S., Kašlík, J., Kupka, V., Zollo, A., Chiesa, M., Livraghi, S., Zbořil, R., Altomare, M., Kment, Š. & Naldoni, A. in the selective electrochemical oxidation of methane: Too early to surrender (2024)Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 47. Article 101558. Vass, A., Mul, G., Katsoukis, G. & Altomare, M. of Pt Nanoparticles Boosts Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Due to Electronic Metal-Support Interaction (2024)Advanced functional materials, 34(40). Article 2403628. Harsha, S., Sharma, R. K., Dierner, M., Baeumer, C., Makhotkin, I., Mul, G., Ghigna, P., Spiecker, E., Will, J. & Altomare, M. Photocatalytic Paracetamol Degradation by NiCu-Modified TiO2 Nanotubes: Mechanistic Insights and Performance Evaluation (2024)Nanomaterials, 14(19). Article 1577. Pinna, M., Zava, M., Grande, T., Prina, V., MONTICELLI, D., Roncoroni, G., Rampazzi, L., Hildebrand, H., Altomare, M., Schmuki, P., Spanu, D. & Recchia, S. Situ X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Study of the Deactivation Mechanism of a Ni-SrTiO3 Photocatalyst Slurry Active in Water Splitting (2024)The Journal of physical chemistry C, 128(38), 16020-16031. Abudukade, M., Pinna, M., Spanu, D., De Amicis, G., Minguzzi, A., Vertova, A., Recchia, S., Ghigna, P., Mul, G. & Altomare, M. Formation in a Zero‐Gap Flow Cell and the Role of TiO2/Ti Electrocatalysts (2024)ChemPlusChem, 89(6). Article e202300763. Englezos, C., Raman, A., Jonker, D., Ramos, N., Altomare, M., Gardeniers, H. & Susarrey-Arce, A. operando characterization of catalytically active faceted nano-particle-electrolyte interfaces by Atomic Force Microscopy (2024)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] NWO Physics@Veldhoven 2024. Dijkhuizen, M., Shukla, C., Mukherjee, S., Su, S., van den Ende, D., Mei, B. T., Altomare, M., Mul, G., Sîretanu, I. & Mugele, F.Investigating the platinum electrode surface during Kolbe electrolysis of acetic acid (2024)Surfaces and Interfaces, 44. Article 103684. Nordkamp, M. O., Ashraf, T., Altomare, M., Borca, A. C., Ghigna, P., Priamushko, T., Cherevko, S., Saveleva, V. A., Atzori, C., Minguzzi, A., He, X., Mul, G. & Mei, B.


Metastable Ni(I)-TiO 2-x Photocatalysts: Self-Amplifying H2 Evolution from Plain Water without Noble Metal Co-Catalyst and Sacrificial Agent (2023)Journal of the American Chemical Society, 145(48), 26122-26132. Altomare, M., Qin, S., Saveleva, V. A., Badura, Z., Tomanec, O., Mazare, A., Zoppellaro, G., Vertova, A., Taglietti, A., Minguzzi, A., Ghigna, P. & Schmuki, P.


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