Using an Evidence-Informed Approach to Improve Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills (2022)Education Sciences, 12(11). Article 834. Hubers, M. D. hullabaloo of schooling: the influence of school factors on the (dis)continuation of lesson study (2022)Research papers in education, 37(6), 1020-1041. Fenna, W., Hubers, M. D., van Veen, K. & de Vries, S. Concept of Organizational Routines and Its Potential for Investigating Educational Initiatives in Practice: A Systematic Review of the Literature (2022)Review of educational research, 92(2), 249-287. Wolthuis, F., Hubers, M. D., van Veen, K. & de Vries, S.
De rol van HRD en e-HRM bij het invoeren van organisatieveranderingen: een routine dynamics-perspectief. (2021)In Handboek Human Resource Development : Organiseren van het leren (pp. 639-653). LannooCampus. Post - Hubers, M. D. & Bondarouk, T.
Organizational change and its relation with professional development: a multidisciplinary process-view on organizational change (2020)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 34th British Academy of Management Conference 2020. Hubers, M. D. & Mulder, R. H.More than mundane matters: an exploration of how schools organize professional learning teams (2020)International journal of leadership in education (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Wolthuis, F., Hubers, M. D., de Vries, S. & van Veen, K. pursuit of sustainable educational change - Introduction to the special section (2020)Teaching and teacher education, 93. Article 103084. Hubers, M. D. the way for sustainable educational change: Reconceptualizing what it means to make educational changes that last (2020)Teaching and teacher education, 93. Article 103083. Hubers, M. D. characteristics of professional development programs for science and technology education (2020)Professional development in education. Hubers, M. D., Endedijk, M. & Van Veen, K. Kaleidoscope: Designing professional development processes that enable sustainable educational change (2020)[Contribution to conference › Paper] AERA Annual Meeting 2020 (Canceled). Hubers, M. D. & van Veen, K.
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Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
Lopende projecten
Hit the gas! Learning communities to accelerate learning and innovation in the installation sector
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Implementing and sustaining organizational change
Lesson study as an organizational routine in secondary education in the Netherlands
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