Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Investigation
- Resource Exploitation
- Industry
Computer Science
- Innovations
- Teams
Social Sciences
- Innovation
- Simultaneous Engineering
- Project
Centralized urgency to autonomous caution: A Q-method exploration of Dutch citizens’ energy transition visions (2025)Journal of environmental policy and planning (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Lammers, R., Jansma, S. R., Veldkamp, B. P., de Visser, M. & Gosselt, J. F.
The cooperative enterprise enabler of organizational ambidexterity & business ecosystems (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Camargo Benavides, A. F.
‘I Tweet about Our #GreenEnergy’—Automated Classification of Social Identity and Opinion Mining of the Dutch Twitter Discourse on Green-Energy Technologies (2023)Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(22). Article 16106. Lammers, R., Jansma, S. R., Veldkamp, B. P., Machens, A. K., de Visser, M. & Gosselt, J. F.
Interfirm cooperatives enabling organizational ambidexterity, a case study of the printing industry in Colombia (2022)Thunderbird International Business Review, 64(5), 477-491. Camargo Benavides, A. F., Ehrenhard, M., de Visser, M. & de Weerd-Nederhof, P. C. of Cognitive Traits on Performance in the Fuzzy Front End of Innovation: Idea Generation and Selection (2022)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 29th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference, IPDMC 2022. Hofman, E., Siebelink, R., Schweisfurth, T. G. & de Visser, M.
Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
- 194100040 - Master Thesis BA
- 201500101 - Master Thesis Research Proposal
- 201500102 - Master Thesis Research Project
- 201600012 - Management and Gov. of Inno.& Creativity
- 201800205 - Smart Industry
- 202000579 - Bachelor Thesis IBA
- 202400019 - Organisation Theory
- 202400021 - Analysing Organisations in Practice
- 202400101 - Bachelor Thesis IBA
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
- 194100040 - Master Thesis BA
- 201500101 - Master Thesis Research Proposal
- 201500102 - Master Thesis Research Project
- 201600012 - Management and Gov. of Inno.& Creativity
- 201800205 - Smart Industry
- 202000551 - Technology, Organisation & People (TOP)
- 202000576 - Research Proposal Bachelor Thesis IBA
- 202000579 - Bachelor Thesis IBA

Universiteit Twente
Ravelijn (gebouwnr. 10), kamer 2107
Hallenweg 17
7522 NH Enschede
Universiteit Twente
Ravelijn 2107
Postbus 217
7500 AE Enschede