Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
- 202000321 - Psychology: an Orientation
- 202000322 - Introduction to Research Methodology
- 202000324 - Project Management & Academic Writing
- 202000326 - Social (Developmental) Psychology
- 202000327 - Data Analysis I
- 202000328 - Needs Assessment & Intervention Design
- 202000329 - Group Dynamics & Academic Writing
- 202000332 - Data Analysis II
- 202000335 - Personality & Clinical Psychology
- 202000336 - Data Collection & Test Construction
- 202000337 - Presentation Skills
- 202000338 - Interview Study & Test Development
- 202000341 - Health Psychology
- 202000342 - Persuasive Health Technology
- 202000343 - Ehealth Applied to Chronic Illness
- 202000345 - Theories of Learning and Instruction
- 202000346 - Research and Teaching Skills
- 202000347 - Instructional Design Project
- 202000349 - Theoretical Models of Societal Safety
- 202000350 - Research & Design in Safety Contexts
- 202000352 - Psychopathology & Psychodiagnostics
- 202000353 - Applied Psychodiagnostics: Case Report
- 202000354 - Mental Health in Practice
- 202000356 - Human Factors Theory
- 202000357 - Programming
- 202000358 - Research Projects
- 202000360 - To Conduct & Report a Scientific Study
- 202000361 - Advanced Research Methods
- 202000362 - Research Poster Presentation
- 202000369 - Professional Ethics for Psychologists
- 202000370 - History of Psychology
- 202000371 - Philosophy of Psychology
- 202000442 - Psychological Ethics
- 202000485 - Test Social Psychology
- 202300260 - Applied Communication Skills
- 202400112 - Women’s Health, Illness & Life Events
- 202400113 - Design, Behaviour Change & Res. Skills
- 202400114 - Real World Women's Health Problems
- 202400644 - Systematic Intervention Design
- 202400745 - Brain, Cognition and Development
- 202400746 - Design & Evaluation
- 202400748 - Work Field and Job Orientation
- 202400749 - Communication Skills Theory
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
- 202000321 - Psychology: an Orientation
- 202000322 - Introduction to Research Methodology
- 202000323 - Systematic Intervention Design
- 202000324 - Project Management & Academic Writing
- 202000326 - Social (Developmental) Psychology
- 202000327 - Data Analysis I
- 202000328 - Needs Assessment & Intervention Design
- 202000329 - Group Dynamics & Academic Writing
- 202000331 - Brain, Cognition and Development
- 202000332 - Data Analysis II
- 202000335 - Personality & Clinical Psychology
- 202000336 - Data Collection & Test Construction
- 202000337 - Presentation Skills
- 202000338 - Interview Study & Test Development
- 202000341 - Health Psychology
- 202000342 - Persuasive Health Technology
- 202000343 - Ehealth Applied to Chronic Illness
- 202000345 - Theories of Learning and Instruction
- 202000346 - Research and Teaching Skills
- 202000347 - Instructional Design Project
- 202000349 - Theoretical Models of Societal Safety
- 202000350 - Research & Design in Safety Contexts
- 202000352 - Psychopathology & Psychodiagnostics
- 202000353 - Applied Psychodiagnostics: Case Report
- 202000354 - Mental Health in Practice
- 202000356 - Human Factors Theory
- 202000357 - Programming
- 202000358 - Research Projects
- 202000360 - To Conduct & Report a Scientific Study
- 202000361 - Advanced Research Methods
- 202000362 - Research Poster Presentation
- 202000366 - Work Field and Job Orientation
- 202000369 - Professional Ethics for Psychologists
- 202000370 - History of Psychology
- 202000371 - Philosophy of Psychology
- 202000442 - Psychological Ethics
- 202000485 - Test Social Psychology
- 202300259 - Communication Skills Theory
- 202300260 - Applied Communication Skills
- 202300303 - Design & Evaluation

Universiteit Twente
Ravelijn (gebouwnr. 10), kamer 3270
Hallenweg 17
7522 NH Enschede

Universiteit Twente
Ravelijn (gebouwnr. 10), kamer 3240
Hallenweg 17
7522 NH Enschede
Universiteit Twente
Ravelijn 3270
Postbus 217
7500 AE Enschede
- Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS)
- Education Service Centre (BMS-SERVICES-EDU)