- Treatment
- Smoking
- Alcohol
- Wellbeing
- Alcohol Abuse
- Behavior
- Research
Nursing and Health Professions
- Patient
Comparing the Effectiveness of the Blended Delivery Mode With the Face-to-Face Delivery Mode of Smoking Cessation Treatment: Noninferiority Randomized Controlled Trial (2024)Journal of medical internet research, 26(1). Article e47040. Siemer, L., Pieterse, M. E., Ben Allouch, S., Postel, M. G. & Brusse-Keizer, M. G. J.
Augmenting outpatient alcohol treatment as usual with online approach bias modification training: A double-blind randomized controlled trial (2023)Addictive behaviors, 142. Article 107630. Laurens, M. C., Postel, M. G., Brusse-Keizer, M., Pieterse, M. E., Ben Allouch, S., Bohlmeijer, E. T. & Salemink, E. Bias Modification Training Targeting Fatigue in Patients With Kidney Disease: Usability Study (2023)JMIR Formative Research, 7. Article e43636. Geerts, J., Pieterse, M., Laverman, G., Waanders, F., Oosterom, N., Slegten, J., Salemink, E. & Bode, C. and User Evaluation of an eHealth Technology Platform Supporting Patients With Cardiovascular Disease in Managing Their Health After a Cardiac Event: Mixed Methods Study (2023)JMIR Cardio, 7. Article e43781. Bente, B. E., Wentzel, J., Schepers, C., Breeman, L., Janssen, V., Pieterse, M. E., Evers, A. W. M. & van Gemert-Pijnen, L. J. E. W. C.
An ideographic study into physiology, alcohol craving and lapses during one hundred days of daily life monitoring (2022)Addictive Behaviors Reports, 16. Article 100443. van Lier, H. G., Noordzij, M. L., Pieterse, M. E., Postel, M. G., Vollenbroek-Hutten, M. M. R., de Haan, H. A. & Schraagen, J. M. C. and User Evaluation of an eHealth Technology Supporting Patients with Cardiovascular Disease in Managing their Health after a Cardiac Event: Mixed Methods Study (Preprint) (2022)[Working paper › Preprint]. Bente, B. E., Wentzel, J., Schepers, C., Breeman, L. D., Janssen, V. R., Pieterse, M. E., Evers, A. W. & Gemert-Pijnen, L. v.
Values of Importance to Patients with Cardiovascular Disease as a Foundation for eHealth Design and Evaluation: Mixed Methods Study (2021)JMIR Cardio, 5(2). Article e33252. Bente, B. E., Wentzel, M. J., Groeneveld, R. G. H., IJzerman, R. V. H., Buisonjé, D. R. d., Breeman, L. D., Janssen, V., Kraaijenhagen, R., Pieterse, M. E., Gemert-Pijnen, J. E. W. C. v. & Evers, A. Bias Modification Training to Improve Implicit Vitality in Patients With Breast Cancer: App Design Using a Cocreation Approach (2021)JMIR Formative Research, 5(3). Article e18325. Wolbers, R. G. M., Bode, C., Siemerink, E. J. M., Siesling, S. & Pieterse, M. E.
Kennissynthese alcoholmarketing: Literatuuronderzoek naar de impact en het effect van alcoholmarketing op problematisch alcoholgebruik naar aanleiding van het Nationaal Preventieakkoord (2020)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. van Hoof, J. J., Hendriks, H., Noort, P., van Eck, M., Basemans, S., Pieterse, M., Walet, M. & van Reijmersdal, E.Comparing Factors Influencing Heavy Episodic Drinking of Young Adults in the United Kingdom and The Netherlands (2020)Journal of child & adolescent substance abuse, 28(6), 452-461. Liebrand, S., Eberhardt, J., van Schaik, P., Pieterse, M., van Wersch, A., ten Klooster, P. & Boer, H.
Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
- 201600169 - Masterthesis HPT
- 202000230 - Minor: From Idea to Prototype
- 202000234 - Minor: From Prototype to Society
- 202000342 - Persuasive Health Technology
- 202000375 - Bachelorthesis HPT
- 202000381 - Bachelorthesis PCPT
- 202001489 - Masterthesis PCPT
- 202001490 - Masterthesis PCPT
- 202200087 - Masterthesis PCPT
- 202200088 - Masterthesis PCPT
- 202200244 - Internship EP
- 202200245 - Internship CRS
- 202200246 - Internship HFE
- 202200247 - Internship HPT
- 202400645 - Health Promotion
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
- 201400584 - Design of Persuasive Health Technology
- 201600169 - Masterthesis HPT
- 202000230 - Minor: From Idea to Prototype
- 202000234 - Minor: From Prototype to Society
- 202000342 - Persuasive Health Technology
- 202000375 - Bachelorthesis HPT
- 202000381 - Bachelorthesis PCPT
- 202001017 - Design of Persuasive Health Technology
- 202001489 - Masterthesis PCPT
- 202001490 - Masterthesis PCPT
- 202200074 - Health Promotion
- 202200075 - Evaluating Complex Health Interventions
- 202200087 - Masterthesis PCPT
- 202200088 - Masterthesis PCPT
- 202200244 - Internship EP
- 202200245 - Internship CRS
- 202200246 - Internship HFE
- 202200247 - Internship HPT
- 202300198 - Health Promotion
Universiteit Twente
Cubicus C145
Postbus 217
7500 AE Enschede
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