I am teaching & supervising students of mechanical engieering and industrial design engineering during their studies (both in their bachelor and in the master courses).

For master students Mechanical Engineering in the direction (specilisation) of Design & manufacturingg, I am the first contact (to discuss indiviual study programs). For the IDE master students I'm the expert for the ETD track of Sustainable Technology for Product Develpment

Most direct collaegues and students just use my nickname 'Tox', to avoid any misunderstandings.

Although I have a Mechanical Engineering background (graduated on the conversion of syngas to secundary energy carriers), I have been involved in the program of Industrial Design Engineering in Twente, from the start. 

My expertise is clearly on the field of Product Lifecycle Assessments (LCA's) and especially on the development of impact assessment methods. Related to these subjects I an involved in sustainability related subjects. And I am involved in internal and external projects related to the Circular Economy.

For our department of Design, Production & Management (DPM) I'am a member of the program comnmittee of Mechanical Engineering. 


  • Engineering

    • Products
    • Design
    • Lifecycle
    • Development
    • Product Life Cycle
  • Social Sciences

    • Analysis
    • Value Chain
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Chain


Firstyears Mechanical Engineering: 'Introduction to LCA' [202000114] part of Mod 3 (in quarter 2A)

Masters Mechanical Engineering:: 'LifeCycle Strategies' [19110201] (in quarter 2B)

Bachelors of Industrial Design Engineering:: Tool: 'End of Life for Circular Economy' part of the toolbox of mod 8 (in quarter 2B)

Masters Industrial Design Engineering: 'Product LifeCycle' [19285074]  (in quarter 1B)

Masters Sustainable Energy Technology: 'LifeCycle Strategies' [19110201] (in quarter 2B)

Futhermore I am a tutor for project teams in both Mechanical Engineering & Industrial Design Engineering. I supervise IDE bachelor assignments and master assignments for ME & IDE

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Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025

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Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024

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