Computer Science
- model based testing
- Testing
- Soundness
- Algorithms
- Automaton
- Models
- Transitions
- Usage Statistic
Reducing Late Night Snacking: Exploring the Potential of Ambient Tangible Interfaces (2025)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 10th Dutch Bio-Medical Engineering Conference (BME 2025) (Accepted/In press). Jeuring, J., Epa Ranasinghe, C. M. & Gerhold, M.
Modelling of Cyber-Physical Systems through Domain-Specific Languages: Decision, Analysis, Design (2024)In MODELS Companion '24: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 27th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (pp. 1170-1179) (Proceedings: MODELS 2024 - ACM/IEEE 27th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: Companion Proceedings). Association for Computing Machinery. Gerhold, M., Kouzel, A., Mangal, H., Mehmed, S. A. & Zaytsev, V. Limits of the Identifiable: Challenges in Python Version Identification with Deep Learning (2024)In Proceedings - 2024 IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering, SANER 2024 (pp. 137-146) (Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER); Vol. 2024). IEEE. Gerhold, M., Solovyeva, L. & Zaytsev, V. modernity signatures of codebases with static analysis (2024)The Journal of systems and software, 211. Article 111973. Admiraal, C., van den Brink, W., Gerhold, M., Zaytsev, V. & Zubcu, C. Assistants as Assessors: An Experience Based Narrative (2024)In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, CSEDU 2024 (pp. 115-123) (International Conference on Computer Supported Education, CSEDU - Proceedings; Vol. 1). Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Ahmed, F., Bouali, N. & Gerhold, M.
Conformance in the Railway Industry: Single-Input-Change Testing a EULYNX Controller (2023)In Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems: 28th International Conference, FMICS 2023, Antwerp, Belgium, September 20–22, 2023, Proceedings (pp. 242-258) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series; Vol. 14290). Wal, D. v. d., Gerhold, M. & Stoelinga, M. software for the paper: Conformance in the Railway Industry: Single-Input-Change Testing a EULYNX Controller (2023)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. van der Wal, D., Gerhold, M. & Stoelinga, M. Aided Content Generation: A Gloomhaven Case Study (2023)In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, FDG 2023. Article 61 (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series). Association for Computing Machinery. Gerhold, M. & Tijben, K. Report for SV-COMP 2023 (2023)[Working paper › Working paper]. (Submitted). Gerhold, M. & Hartmanns, A.Leveraging deep learning for Python version identification (2023)CEUR workshop proceedings, 3567, 33-40. Gerhold, M., Solovyeva, L. & Zaytsev, V.
Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
- 192199508 - Research Topics CS
- 192199968 - Internship CS
- 192199978 - Final Project CS
- 201300086 - Research Topics 2 CS
- 201400171 - Capita Selecta ST
- 201500039 - Security Verification
- 201600362 - S6: Capstone project
- 201800496 - S2: Mathematics
- 201800524 - Research Topics EIT
- 201900194 - Research Topics I-Tech
- 201900234 - Internship I-Tech
- 202000973 - Art [&&] Impact
- 202000975 - Algorithms for Creative Technology
- 202000976 - Statistics
- 202000977 - Professional Development M4
- 202001434 - Internship EMSYS
- 202200133 - Intro Computer Science & Programming
- 202200251 - Capita Selecta DST
- 202300070 - Final Project EMSYS
- 202300277 - Programming for AI
- 202400356 - Software Design
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
- 192199508 - Research Topics CS
- 192199968 - Internship CS
- 192199978 - Final Project CS
- 201300086 - Research Topics 2 CS
- 201400171 - Capita Selecta Software Technology
- 201500039 - Security Verification
- 201600017 - Final Project Preparation
- 201600362 - S6: Capstone project
- 201800496 - S2: Mathematics
- 201800524 - Research Topics EIT
- 201900194 - Research Topics I-Tech
- 201900195 - Final Project I-Tech
- 201900200 - Final Project EMSYS
- 201900234 - Internship I-Tech
- 201900304 - S4: Online elective
- 202000973 - Art [&&] Impact
- 202000975 - Algorithms for Creative Technology
- 202000976 - Statistics
- 202000977 - Professional Development M4
- 202000993 - Artificial Intelligence
- 202001024 - Software Systems Core
- 202001434 - Internship EMSYS
- 202001613 - MSc Final Project BIT + CS
- 202001614 - MSc Final Project CS + I-Tech
- 202001616 - Research Topics CS + I-TECH
- 202200133 - Intro Computer Science & Programming
- 202200201 - Software Engineering Embedded Systems
- 202200251 - Capita Selecta DST
- 202300070 - Final Project EMSYS
- 202300186 - Software Systems Core
- 202300277 - Programming for AI
- 202300286 - M3 Regelsystemen in de mens

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Universiteit Twente
Zilverling 3070
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7500 AE Enschede