Areas of interest and expertise
- Internships coordination & supervision (B-COM / M-COM)
- Theses coordination & supervision (B-COM / M-COM)
- Professional field of activity contact person (B-COM / M-COM)
- International student mobility projects (B-COM)
- International student exchange (B-COM)
- Applied research methods in social science (B-COM / M-COM)
- Intention
- Attitudes
- Attention
- Dependent Variable
- Research
- Theory of Planned Behavior
Social Sciences
- Consumer Perception
- Information Theory
The Impact of Advertising Appeals on Consumers’ Perception of an Advertisement for a Technical Product and the Moderating Roles of Endorser Type and Endorser Age (2020)In Marketing Opportunities and Challenges in a Changing Global Marketplace. AMSAC 2019 (pp. 189-199) (Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science). Springer. Skupin, K., Beldad, A. & Tempelman, M.
Areas of expertise and experience
- Internships coordination & supervision (B-COM / M-COM)
- Theses coordination & supervision (B-COM / M-COM)
- Professional field of activity contact person (B-COM / M-COM)
- International student mobility projects (B-COM)
- International student exchange (B-COM)
- Applied research methods in social science (B-COM / M-COM)
Verbonden aan opleidingen
Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
- 201800100 - Master Thesis Communication Science
- 202000313 - COM-Internship - Reflection module
- 202000314 - COM-Internship - Assignment Module
- 202001442 - Master Internship Communication Science
- 202200014 - COM@work
- 202200334 - CS COM
- 202300125 - Master Thesis Research Prop. Dig. Mark.
- 202300246 - BSc COM - Research Internship
- 202400116 - Academic research project Premaster COM
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
- 201800091 - Research Topics
- 201800100 - Master Thesis Communication Science
- 202000313 - COM-Internship - Reflection module
- 202000314 - COM-Internship - Assignment Module
- 202001442 - Master Internship Communication Science
- 202100148 - Academic research project Premaster COM
- 202200014 - COM@work
- 202200079 - Acad.Research proj. PM Digital Marketing
- 202200334 - CS COM
- 202300246 - BSc COM - Research Internship

Universiteit Twente
Ravelijn (gebouwnr. 10), kamer 1424
Hallenweg 17
7522 NH Enschede
Universiteit Twente
Ravelijn 1424
Postbus 217
7500 AE Enschede