I am postdoctoral researcher at the University of Twente in the Human Media Interaction group. I have a background in social sciences and media art & design, and pursued a PhD in design-oriented Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) at the University of Southern Denmark in Kolding. I collected experiences in teaching interaction design and user experience (UX) research as part of the HCI group at Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany, for around ten years.

In addition to my work in academia, I have been involved in performing arts projects for about twenty years, mainly as an artistic designer and creative technologist. Working closely with performance artists and choreographers has certainly influenced my work in HCI and my approach to design. 

My research interests lie in playful interaction design for everyone, UX design beyond screen-based applications, age-appropriate design for children, wearable and intimate technologies, more-than-human and embodied design methodologies. As a postdoc at the University of Twente, I am involved in a research project that investigates how intimate technologies mediate our relationships with ourselves, other humans, and our environment. A particular focus thereby is on the vulnerability of marginalised societal groups and their empowerment with/ through technologies.


  • Computer Science

    • Body Interaction
    • Computer Hardware
    • Design Practice
    • Digitization
    • Material Description
  • Arts and Humanities

    • Costume
    • Body Movement
  • Engineering

    • Theaters


  • Design research
  • More-than-human design
  • Interaction design for children
  • Ethics of socially disruptive technologies
  • Intimate computing, entangled and embodied AI



Decentering ≠ Disconnecting (2024)In NordiCHI '24 Live – Uniting HCI for a Hyperlocal and Global Experience: Adjunct Proceedings of the 13th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, NordiCHI 2024. Article 49 (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Scholz, B., Núñez-Pacheco, C. & Honauer, M.https://doi.org/10.1145/3677045.3685464Exploring Child-AI Entanglements (2024)In IDC '24: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference (pp. 1029 - 1031). Honauer, M. & Frauenberger, C.https://doi.org/10.1145/3628516.3661155TREESENSE: Sensitising Children to Nature through Embodied Play (2024)In IDC '24: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference (pp. 639-643). Association for Computing Machinery. Honauer, M., Yavuz, S. U. & Kuusk, K.https://doi.org/10.1145/3628516.3659425Walkstorming: Embodied design with/through/in the environment (2024)In Proceedings of Relating Systems Thinking and Design – RSD13 (Proceedings of Relating Systems Thinking and Design; Vol. 2024). Systemic Design Association. Kuusk, K., Honauer, M. & Yavuz, S. U.https://rsdsymposium.org/walkstorming_rsd13-workshop


Engaging With Non-Human Perspectives Through Embodied Design Practices (2023)In Possibilities and Practices of Systemic Design: RSD12, 2023, Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA (Proceedings of Relating Systems Thinking and Design; Vol. 2023). Systemic Design Association. Honauer, M.https://rsdsymposium.org/non-human-perspectives-through-embodied-design/


Integrating Wearable Technologies in the Performing Arts: A Holistic Approach to Interactive Costuming (2022)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research external, graduation external]. Syddansk Universitet. Honauer, M.https://portal.findresearcher.sdu.dk/da/publications/integrating-wearable-technologies-in-the-performing-arts-a-holistDesigning wearable interactions through playful on-body explorations (2022)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Fifth European Tangible Interaction Studio, ETIS 2022. Scholz, B., Honauer, M., Kuusk, K., Veske, P. & Yavuz, S. U.


Sssnake: A remote multiplayer toy for children (2021)In IDC '21: Proceedings of the 20th Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference (pp. 563-567). Association for Computing Machinery. Scholz, E., Honauer, M. & Hornecker, E.https://doi.org/10.1145/3459990.3465204Beyond costume tradition and physical computing: characterizing the profile of interactive costume creators (2021)Digital creativity, 32(2), 99-115. Honauer, M.https://doi.org/10.1080/14626268.2021.1922459Design for Playfulness with Interactive Soft Materials: Description document (2021)In TEI 2021: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction. Article 67. Association for Computing Machinery. Ugur Yavuz, S., Veske, P., Scholz, B., Honauer, M. & Kuusk, K.https://doi.org/10.1145/3430524.3442702

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