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[Artifact] Automated Invariant Generation for Efficient Deductive Reasoning about Embedded Systems (2024)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. Tasche, P., Herber, P. & Huisman, M. of: VeyMont: Choreography-Based Generation of Correct Concurrent Programs with Shared Memory (2024)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. Zenodo. Rubbens, R., Huisman, M. & van den Bos, P. for Paper: (Deductive verification of SYCL in VerCors) (2024)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. Şakar, Ö., Wittingen, E. & Huisman, M.[Artifact] Automated Invariant Generation for Efficient Deductive Reasoning about Embedded Systems (2024)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. Tasche, P., Herber, P. & Huisman, M. of annotation generators for deductive verifiers (2024)The Journal of systems and software, 211. Article 111972. Lathouwers, S. & Huisman, M. to supplement the paper: The VerCors Verifier: a Progress Report (2024)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. Armborst, L., Bos, P., van den Haak, L., Huisman, M., Rubbens, R., Şakar, Ö. & Tasche, P. Steps towards Deductive Verification of LLVM IR (2024)In Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering : 27th International Conference, FASE 2024, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2024, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, April 6–11, 2024, Proceedings (pp. 290-303) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 14573). Oorschot, D. v., Huisman, M. & Şakar, Ö. Deductive Verification and Scheduling Languages Join Forces (2024)In Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems : 30th International Conference, TACAS 2024, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2024, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, April 6–11, 2024, Proceedings (pp. 71-89). Haak, L. B. v. d., Wijs, A., Huisman, M. & Brand, M. v. d. Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (2024)International journal on software tools for technology transfer, 26(2), 127-129. Groote, J. F. & Huisman, M. of: JavaBIP meets VerCors: Towards the Safety of Concurrent Software Systems in Java (2024)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. Rubbens, R., Safina, L., Huisman, M., Bliudze, S. & van den Bos, P.


Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025

Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.

Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024

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