Improving HandsâFree Speech Rehabilitation in Laryngectomized Patients with a Moldable Adhesive (2023)The Laryngoscope, 133(11), 2965-2970. Leemans, M., Longobardi, Y., Dirven, R., Honings, J., D'Alatri, L., Galli, J., Brekel, M. v. d., Parrilla, C. & Sluis, K. E. v. and predicting the performance of passive heat and moisture exchangers using a numerical model (2023)Head & neck, 45(4), 993-1005. Leemans, M., Alphen, M. J. A. v., Vallenduuk, W., Dirven, R., Brekel, M. W. M. v. d. & Muller, S. H.
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Improving Hands-free Speech Rehabilitation in Patients With a Laryngectomy: Proof-of-Concept of an Intratracheal Fixation Device (2021)Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 165(2), 317-320. Leemans, M., van Alphen, M. J. A., Dirven, R., Verkerke, G. J., Hekman, E. E. G. & van den Brekel, M. W. M. Hands-Free Speech Rehabilitation in Laryngectomized Patients: Preliminary Results of a Novel Intratracheal Fixation Device (2021)In Design of Medical Devices conference 2021. Leemans, M., van Alphen, M. J. A., Dirven, R., Verkerke, G. J., Hekman, E. E. G. & van den Brekel, M. W.Improving Hands-Free Speech Rehabilitation in Laryngectomized Patients: Preliminary Results of a Novel Intratracheal Fixation Device (2021)In Proceedings Design of Medical Devices Conference 2021. Leemans, M., van Alphen, M. J. A., Dirven, R., Verkerke, G. J., Hekman, E. E. G. & van den Brekel, M. W. breathing resistance for laryngectomized patients: Proof of principle in a novel heat and moisture exchanger cassette (2021)Head & neck, 43(4), 1073-1087. Leemans, M., Muller, S. H., Alphen, M. J. A. v., Vallenduuk, W., Dirven, R. & Brekel, M. W. M. v. d. Handsâfree Speech Rehabilitation in Patients With a Laryngectomy: ProofâofâConcept of an Intratracheal Fixation Device (2021)Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 165(2), 317-320. Leemans, M., van Alphen, M. J. A., Dirven, R., Verkerke, G. J., Hekman, E. E. G. & van den Brekel, M. W.Tracheostoma device holder (2021)[Patent › Patent]. Leemans, M., van Alphen, M. J. A., Hekman, E. E. G. & Dirven, R.
Interaction of functional and participation issues on quality of life after total laryngectomy (2020)Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology, 5(3), 453-460. Leemans, M., Sluis, K. E. v., Son, R. J. J. H. v. & Brekel, M. W. M. v. d.
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