Postdoctoral researcher specialized in the field of governance, environmental management and policy with expertise and research interests in protected areas, governance assessment, ecosystem resilience and water management.

Recent research focused on the challenges of governance complexity in protecting significant ecosystems, aiming at governance assessment to enhance resilience in natural areas; Currently involved in the coordination and communication of the EU funded project on resource efficiency and bio-economy in the frame of Interreg Europe programme; Experienced in the development of project proposals for EU Interregional cooperation programmes, such as Interreg Europe/ Interreg NSR programmes.

PhD (2019) in the field of Governance for Resilience from the University of Twente/ CSTM; MSc degree (2002) in the field of Environmental Management and Policy from the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) at Lund University, Sweden. Experienced in the development and application of environmental strategies to promote preventative approaches to environmental problems, to use knowledge from disciplines including engineering, natural sciences, business administration, economics, law, and social sciences to anticipate and prevent the occurrence of environmental problems. BA degree (1999) from the Institute of Ecology, Environment, and Agribusiness at Georgia Academy of Sciences (Georgia) in the field of Accounting and Audit in Agribusiness. 


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Het transnationale project ’Benefit of governance in DROught adaPtation was bedoeld om de regio’s van Noordwest-Europa (NWE) voor te bereiden en beter bestand te maken tegen periodes van droogte en watertekort.


Universiteit Twente

Ravelijn (gebouwnr. 10)
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7522 NH Enschede

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