Material Science
- Temperature
- Alloy
- Laser
- Three Dimensional Printing
- Extrusion
- Friction
- Microstructure
- Additive Manufacturing
Post aging heat treatment effect on AA6060 produced by Friction Screw Extrusion Additive Manufacturing (2024)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 27th Engineering Mechanics Symposium, EM 2024. Sayyad Rezaeinejad, S., Bor, T. C., Luckabauer, M. & Akkerman, R.Why is neutral tin addition necessary for biocompatible β-titanium alloys?–Synergistic effects of suppressing ω transformations (2024)Acta materialia, 273. Article 119968. Okamoto, N. L., Brumbauer, F., Luckabauer, M., Sprengel, W., Abe, R. & Ichitsubo, T. heating simulations of carbon fabric-reinforced thermoplastics: On the significance of electrical conductivity characterisation (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. van den Berg, S. response of an induction-heated fabric reinforced thermoplastic composite with anisotropic electrical conductivity: An experimental study (2024)Journal of thermoplastic composite materials, 37(5), 1877-1892. van den Berg, S., Luckabauer, M., Wijskamp, S. & Akkerman, R. additions of Sn suppress the omega phase formation in beta titanium alloys (2024)Acta materialia, 262. Article 119466. Brumbauer, F., Okamoto, N. L., Ichitsubo, T., Sprengel, W. & Luckabauer, M.
Determination of the anisotropic electrical conductivity of carbon fabric reinforced composites by the six-probe method (2023)Journal of thermoplastic composite materials, 36(11), 4257-4283. Van den Berg, S., Luckabauer, M., Wijskamp, S. & Akkerman, R. Influence of the Deposition Speed during Friction Screw Extrusion Additive Manufacturing of AA6060 (2023)In Key Engineering Materials (pp. 33-40). Sayyad Rezaeinejad, S., Strik, D. H., Bor, T. C., Luckabauer, M. & Akkerman, R. Metal Production: Solid-State Additive Manufacturing of an Al-Mg-Si Alloy Using FSEAM (2023)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 26th Engineering Mechanics Symposium 2023. Sayyad Rezaeinejad, S., Bor, T. C., Luckabauer, M. & Akkerman, R.Bioactive calcium phosphate coatings applied to flexible poly(carbonate urethane) foils (2023)Surface and coatings technology, 470. Article 129838. Farjam, P., Luckabauer, M., Vries, E. G. d., Rangel, V. R., Hekman, E. E. G., Verkerke, G. J. & Rouwkema, J. Additive Manufacturing of AA6060 Employing Friction Screw Extrusion Additive Manufacturing (2023)JOM, 75(10), 4199-4211. Rezaeinejad, S. S., Strik, D. H., Visser, R. M., Bor, T. C., Luckabauer, M. & Akkerman, R.
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Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
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Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024

Universiteit Twente
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Universiteit Twente
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