As Grants Advisor at the SBD-Grants Office, I advise, guide and support researchers during their funding acquisition process. I specialize in both Dutch and European grant opportunities.

  • Do you have a research project idea, but are you not sure which grant to apply for?
  • Are you considering to apply for a grant or are you already busy writing a proposal?
  • Or are you perhaps just in need for some general advice on research grant funding acquisition?

Feel free to contact me or visit our website for more information on the different types of grants:

We also have a Support Hub on Microsoft Teams, where we place weekly updates on upcoming grant opportunities, events, and other information related to grants. If you want to join this team, please ask to be included via



Universiteit Twente

Spiegel (gebouwnr. 02), kamer 614
Drienerlolaan 5
7522 NB Enschede

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