Material Science
- Laser
- Three Dimensional Printing
- Material
- Shape Memory Effect
- Temperature
- Shape Memory
- Laser Beam Welding
- Additive Manufacturing
Additive manufacturing of architected shape memory alloys: a review (2024)Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 19(1). Article e2414395. Mehrpouya, M., Alberto Biffi, C., Lemke, J. N., Bregoli, C., Fiocchi, J., Mohajerani, S., Tuissi, A. & Elahinia, M. response of LPBFed TI64 thickness graded Voronoi lattice structures (2024)Materialia, 38. Article 102234. Bregoli, C., Fiocchi, J., Mehrpouya, M., Vergani, L. M., Tuissi, A. & Biffi, C. A. Printing of PLA/PBS Biopolymers: Impact of Polymer Grade Variations on Thermomechanical Performance (2024)Advanced engineering materials, 26(22). Article 2401705. Ghalayaniesfahani, A., Oostenbrink, B., van Kasteren, H. & Mehrpouya, M. of Surface Finishing on Ti6Al4V Voronoi Additively Manufactured Structures: Morphology, Dimensional Deviation, and Mechanical Behavior (2024)Materials, 17(19). Article 4879. Bregoli, C., Mohajerani, S., Fiocchi, J., Mehrpouya, M., Elahinia, M., Tuissi, A., Vergani, L. M. & Biffi, C. A. 3D Printing of Programmable Architected Structures (2024)In Additive Manufacturing in Multidisciplinary Cooperation and Production (pp. 171-178) (Springer Tracts in Additive Manufacturing; Vol. Part F3255). Springer Nature. Mehrpouya, M., Postmes, J. F., Ghalayaniesfahani, A. & Gibson, I. printing of biobased shape memory sandwich structures (2024)Polymer, 307. Article 127252. Ghalayaniesfahani, A., Oostenbrink, B., van Kasteren, H., Gibson, I. & Mehrpouya, M. manufacturing of NiTi architected metamaterials (2024)Additive Manufacturing Letters, 10. Article 100216. Biffi, C. A., Soyarslan, C., Fiocchi, J., Bregoli, C., du Plessis, A., Tuissi, A. & Mehrpouya, M. mechanical properties in 3D printed multimaterial architected structures (2024)Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, 152. Article 106431. Mehrpouya, M., Ghalayaniesfahani, A., Postmes, J. F. & Gibson, I.
Energy absorbing 4D printed meta-sandwich structures: load cycles and shape recovery (2023)International journal of advanced manufacturing technology, 127(3-4), 1779-1795. Gisario, A., Desole, M. P., Mehrpouya, M. & Barletta, M. Manufacturing of Biopolymers: Handbook of Materials, Techniques, and Applications (2023)[Book/Report › Book editing]. Elsevier Doyma. Mehrpouya, M. & Vahabi, H.
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Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024

Universiteit Twente
Horst Complex (gebouwnr. 20), kamer W253
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede

Universiteit Twente
Horst Complex (gebouwnr. 20), kamer W235
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede
Universiteit Twente
Horst Complex W253
Postbus 217
7500 AE Enschede