- Abelian Variety
- Elliptic Curve
- Complex Multiplication
- Function Field
- Torsion Point
- Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture
- Torsion Subgroup
- Odd Order
Low rank specializations of elliptic surfaces (2025)Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Melistas, M.
An analogue of a conjecture of Rasmussen and Tamagawa for abelian varieties over function fields (2024)Indagationes mathematicae, 35(6), 1270-1281. Melistas, M. rank specializations of elliptic surfaces (2024)[Working paper › Preprint]. Melistas, M. quadratic forms and Dedekind zeta functions (2024)International Journal of Number Theory, 20(7), 1833–1847. Kala, V. & Melistas, M. types of CM curves (2024)Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 329(2), 233–257. Melistas, M. and isogenies of elliptic curves (2024)Acta arithmetica, 215(2), 179-192. Melistas, M. types of CM curves (2024)[Working paper › Preprint]. Melistas, M. and twists of abelian varieties (2024)Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 56(2), 589-601. Melistas, M.
Universal quadratic forms and Dedekind zeta functions (2023)[Working paper › Preprint]. Kala, V. & Melistas, M. and isogenies of elliptic curves (2023)[Working paper › Preprint]. Melistas, M.
Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
- 201400385 - Introduction to Mathematical Analysis
- 201600166 - Introduction to Mathematical Analysis
- 201600167 - Introduction to Mathematical Analysis
- 202001188 - Intro. to Math. + Calculus 1A for BMT
- 202001197 - Calculus 1B for TCS
- 202001199 - Calculus 1B for IDE
- 202001202 - Linear Algebra for BIT
- 202001203 - Linear Algebra for BMT
- 202001204 - Linear Algebra for CE
- 202001205 - Linear Algebra for TCS
- 202001206 - Linear Algebra for CSE
- 202001207 - Linear Algebra for IEM
- 202001227 - Vector Calculus for CSE
- 202001237 - Linear Algebra for IDE
- 202001362 - Algebra
- 202001364 - Discrete Mathematics and Algebra AM-TN
- 202200141 - Linear Structures 1
- 202200179 - Calculus 2 for AT
- 202200236 - Linear Structures 2
- 202300027 - Linear Optimisation
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
- 201400385 - Introduction to Mathematical Analysis
- 201600166 - Introduction to Mathematical Analysis
- 201600167 - Introduction to Mathematical Analysis
- 202001187 - Intro. to Math. + Calculus 1A for BIT
- 202001188 - Intro. to Math. + Calculus 1A for BMT
- 202001189 - Intro. to Math. + Calculus 1A for CE
- 202001190 - Intro. to Math. + Calculus 1A for TCS
- 202001191 - Intro. to Math. + Calculus 1A for CSE
- 202001192 - Intro. to Math. + Calculus 1A for IDE
- 202001193 - Intro. to Math. + Calculus 1A for IEM
- 202001197 - Calculus 1B for TCS
- 202001220 - Calculus 2 for CE
- 202001227 - Vector Calculus for CSE
- 202001362 - Algebra
- 202001364 - Discrete Mathematics and Algebra AM-TN
- 202300055 - Calculus 1A for ME

Universiteit Twente
Zilverling (gebouwnr. 11), kamer 4058
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Zilverling 4058
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7500 AE Enschede