
  • Engineering

    • Microgrid
    • Electric Vehicle
    • Models
  • Computer Science

    • Compensation Mechanism
    • Control
    • Distribution Grid
    • Internal Network
    • Distribution System



Robust and Predictive Charging of Large Electric Vehicle Fleets in Grid Constrained Parking LotsIn 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm), Article 10333900 (pp. 1-6). IEEE. Hoogsteen, G., Winschermann, L., Nijenhuis, B., Arias, N. B. & Hurink, J. L. the value of information for electric vehicle charging strategies at office buildings, Article 113600, 113600. Winschermann, L., Bañol Arias, N., Hoogsteen, G. & Hurink, J. L. Smart Grids Locally using a Power Flow-based Intrusion Detection SystemIn 2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech, Article 10202762. IEEE. Menzel, V., Arias, N. B., Hurink, J. L. & Remke, A. Risk-aware Flexibility Areas for Electric Vehicle Charging Pools via AC Stochastic Optimal Power Flow, 1247-1256. Giraldo, J. S., Arias, N. B., Vergara, P. P., Vlasiou, M., Hoogsteen, G. & Hurink, J. L. IoT-based energy management system for AC microgrids with grid and security constraints, Article 120904. Silva, J. A. A., López, J. C., Guzman, C. P., Arias, N. B., Rider, M. J. & da Silva, L. C. P. Optimization for User-Satisfaction-Driven Electric Vehicles Charging Coordination in Integrated MV/LV Networks, 1247-1258. Bañol Arias, N., Sabillon, C., Fredy Franco, J., Quiros-Tortos, J. & Rider, M. J. Optimal Sizing and Allocation of Distributed Energy Resources in Microgrids Considering Internal Network Reinforcements (Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems, (2023), 34, 1, (106-119), 10.1007/s40313-022-00934-x), 120. Santos, K. V. d., Higino Silva Santos, L., Bañol Arias, N., López, J. C., Rider, M. J. & Silva, L. C. P. d. Sizing and Allocation of Distributed Energy Resources in Microgrids Considering Internal Network Reinforcements, 106-119. Santos, K. V. d., Higino Silva Santos, L., Bañol Arias, N., López, J. C., Rider, M. J. & Silva, L. C. P. d. Risk-Aware Flexibility Areas for EV Charging Pools via Stochastic AC-OPF. Giraldo, J. S., Bañol Arias, N., Vergara, P. P., Vlasiou, M., Hoogsteen, G. & Hurink, J. L.


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