
  • Chemistry

    • Liquid Film
    • Monolayer
  • Material Science

    • Monolayers
    • Surface
    • Temperature
    • Thin Films
  • Physics

    • Spin
    • Spintronics




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Exciton Dynamics in MoS2-Pentacene and WSe2-Pentacene Heterojunctions (2022)ACS nano, 16(10), 16668-16676. Markeev, P. A., Najafidehaghani, E., Samu, G. F., Sarosi, K., Kalkan, S. B., Gan, Z., George, A., Reisner, V., Mogyorosi, K., Chikan, V., Nickel, B., Turchanin, A. & de Jong, M. P. in epitaxial growth of stanene (2022)Open physics, 20(1), 208-223. Ochapski, M. W. & De Jong, M. P.


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Group IV elements in 2D structures (2020)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Ochapski, M. W. scale structures in chemical vapor deposition-grown graphene on Ni thin films (2020)Thin solid films, 709. Article 138225. Ataç, D., Sanderink, J. G. M., Kinge, S., Gravesteijn, D. J., Kovalgin, A. Y. & de Jong, M. P.


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