
  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Learning
    • Noncardiac Surgery
    • Artificial Respiration
    • Hypotension
    • Observational Study
    • Randomized Clinical Trial
    • Systematic Review
    • Mean Arterial Pressure



Computational physiological models for individualised mechanical ventilation: a systematic literature review focussing on quality, availability, and clinical readiness, Article 268. Warnaar, R. S. P., Mulder, M. P., Fresiello, L., Cornet, A. D., Heunks, L. M. A., Donker, D. W. & Oppersma, E. pulse wave modeling and analysis for vascular-age studies: a review from VascAgeNet, H1-H29. Alastruey, J., Charlton, P. H., Bikia, V., Paliakaite, B., Hametner, B., Bruno, R. M., Mulder, M. P., Vennin, S., Piskin, S., Khir, A. W., Guala, A., Mayer, C. C., Mynard, J., Hughes, A. D., Segers, P. & Westerhof, B. E. computational platform for virtual patient trials of fluid responsiveness prediction in septic shock phenotypes. Mulder, M. P.Is Continuous Intraoperative Monitoring of Mean Arterial Pressure as Good as the Hypotension Prediction Index Algorithm?: Research Letter, 657-658. Mulder, M. P., Harmannij-Markusse, M., Donker, D. W., Fresiello, L. & Potters, J.-W. readiness of virtual patient models for individualised mechanical ventilation: a systematic literature review. Warnaar, R., Mulder, M. P., Fresiello, L., Cornet, A. D., Heunks, L. M. A., Donker, D. W. & Oppersma, E.A computational platform for virtual patient trials of fluid responsiveness prediction in septic shock phenotypes (Accepted/In press). Mulder, M. P., Fresiello, L., Rumindo, K., Jalde, F., Hallbäck, M., Maksuti, E. & Donker, D. W.
Incidence, Severity and Clinical Factors Associated with Hypotension in Patients Admitted to an Intensive Care Unit: A Prospective Observational Study, Article 6832, 1-13. Terwindt, L. E., Schuurmans, J., van der Ster, B. J. P., Wensing, C. A. G. C. L., Mulder, M. P., Wijnberge, M., Cherpanath, T. G. V., Lagrand, W. K., Karlas, A. A., Verlinde, M. H., Hollmann, M. H., Geerts, B. F., Veelo, D. P. & Vlaar, A. P. J. models for hemodynamic management in critically ill patients: a systematic review, 10. Mulder, M. P., Fresiello, L. & Donker, D. W.


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Vakken collegejaar 2022/2023

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