
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Urban Heat Island Effect
    • Street
    • Urban Planning
    • Netherlands
    • Canopy
    • Assessment
    • Modeling
    • Typology




UHI Street Typology Based on Seasonality: A Case Study from Apeldoorn, Netherlands (2024)ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 10(4/W5-2024), 255-261. Pena Acosta, M., Santos, J., Vahdatikhaki, F. & Dorée, A. G. Analysis of Urban Heat Island Phenomenon Based on Street Typology (2024)Sustainable Cities and Society, 101. Article 105170. Pena Acosta, M., Vahdatikhaki, F., Santos, J., Jarro, S. P. & Doree, A.


A framework for a comprehensive mobile data acquisition setting for the assessment of Urban Heat Island phenomenon (2022)In Proceedings of the 39th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (pp. 1-8). International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction. Pena Acosta, M., Vahdatikhaki, F., Santos, J. & Doree, A.


A generalizability analysis of a data-driven method for the Urban Heat Island phenomenon assessment (2021)In Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC) (pp. 73-80). Pena Acosta, M., Vahdatikhaki, F., Oliveira dos Santos, J. M., Hammad, A. & Doree, A. to bring UHI to the urban planning table? A data-driven modeling approach (2021)Sustainable Cities and Society, 71. Article 102948. Pena Acosta, M., Vahdatikhaki, F., Santos, J., Hammad, A. & Dorée, A. G.


A conceptual framework for more efficient simulation of the interplay between road pavements and the Urban Heat Island phenomenon (2020)In EG-ICE 2020 Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering: 1st–4th July 2020, Online, Proceedings (pp. 264-274). Berlin University Press. Pena Acosta, M., Vahdatikhaki, F., Santos, J. & Dorée, A. G.


The evolution of Sihwa dam: A formal design theory perspective (2019)In International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, ICCEE-2009. Pukyong National University. Ibragimova, E., Pena, M. & Thompson, M. K.


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Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024

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