From the start of my research career, I have been infected with an interest in the field of infectious diseases. Later on, this interest expanded towards the field of One Health (wherein human, animal and planetary health are interrelated), mainly because of its immense complexity. The world of One Health is confronted with so called ‘wicked challenges’. It offers a unique field of research wherein many questions are still unanswered, calling for multidisciplinary research into the impact of infections on the behaviour of both patients and healthcare professionals. For example, how do we get all the involved disciplines to effectively work together? How do we get healthcare professionals and the general public to sustainably change their behaviour to increase health? And how can technology be used to support that? I am fascinated by the opportunities and challenges concerning behaviour change and decision-making processes in wicked problems, by the question how we can measure and evaluate them, and by the question how technology can contribute.

 Common thread throughout all my research has been my ambition to cross borders. I have in my research crossed borders between disciplines (e.g. behavioural science and infectious diseases), between sectors (intertwining science, business and healthcare) and between nations (as infections -and to a growing extent also humans- are not hindered from travelling across borders).

 In my work, I experienced that technologies have some characteristics that are highly suitable for this kind of work. Technologies can for example help to simultaneously overcome logistical challenges, provide a sense of ‘fun’ (especially in the case of serious games) that can help overcome reluctance to participate, offer a safe environment to try out uncertain behaviours, allow its users to experience the affective components of decision-making processes, and last but certainly not least it can engage its users.

 Precondition for such technologies to be successful is that they are properly developed, implemented and evaluated. However, there is no one proper way to do so. In my research, I am striving to improve health and healthcare by first and foremost studying the involved stakeholders and their behaviour, and subsequently investigating methodologies to develop and evaluate successful (eHealth) interventions. One of the most exciting parts of my job is to apply innovative and mixed methodologies to realize creative solutions to real-world problems.


  • Computer Science

    • User
    • Contexts
    • Control
    • Programs
  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Antibiotic Resistance
    • e-Health
    • Health
  • Social Sciences

    • Research




The power of interactive maps for communicating spatio-temporal data to health professionals (2024)Geospatial health, 19(2). Tjaden, N. B., Geeraedts, F., Riezebos-Brilman, A., Kioko, C., al Naiemi, N., Blanford, J. I. & Beerlage - de Jong, N. Frontiers: Aligning Stakeholders’ Roles And Value Propositions During The Implementation Of Digital Health Environments Through Business Modeling (2024)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 13th Supporting Health by Technology Conference 2024. Coopmans, A., Bente, B. E., Mannak, R., Beerlage - de Jong, N., Wouters, E., Verdaasdonk, R. M., van Gemert-Pijnen, L. J. E. W. C. & Bongers, I.


The power of interactive maps for communicating spatio-temporal data to health professionals (2023)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 16th International Symposium on Geospatial Health, GnosisGIS 2023. Tjaden, N. B., Geeraedts, F., Riezebos-Brilman, A., Kioko, C., al Naiemi, N., Blanford, J. I. & Beerlage - de Jong, N.Emerging vector-borne and zoonotic infections in the Twente-Achterhoek Region: A GeoTechMed Approach (2023)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 16th International Symposium on Geospatial Health, GnosisGIS 2023. Kioko, C., Geeraedts, F., Riezebos-Brilman, A., Tjaden, N. B., al Naiemi, N., Beerlage - de Jong, N. & Blanford, J. I.A Mobile Self-control Training App to Improve Self-control and Physical Activity in People With Severe Mental Illness: Protocol for 2 Single-Case Experimental Designs (2023)JMIR research protocols, 12. Article e37727. Dekkers, T., Heirbaut, T., Schouten, S. E., Kelders, S. M., Beerlage-de Jong, N., Ludden, G. D. S., Deenik, J., Bouman, Y. H. A. & Kip, H.


Best-practices for co-design processes involving people with severe mental illness for eMental health interventions: a qualitative multi-method approach (2022)Design for Health, 6(3), 316-344. Schouten, S., Kip, H., Dekkers, T., Deenik, J., Beerlage - de Jong, N., Ludden, G. D. S. & Kelders, S. M. in determinants of health and climate mitigation behaviours: A repertory grid study with international behaviour change experts (2022)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 36th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, EHPS 2022. Beerlage - de Jong, N., Sniehotta, F. F., Lahbichi, R. & Araujo Soares, V.Vaccine Public Health messaging: three studies targeting the role of autonomy, source and content (2022)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 36th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, EHPS 2022. Araujo Soares, V., Beerlage - de Jong, N., Bente, B. E., van Gend, J. E., van Gemert-Pijnen, L. J. E. W. C., van 't Klooster, J.-W. & Sniehotta, F. F.Navigating travel in Europe during the pandemic: From mobile apps, certificates and quarantine to traffic light system (2022)Journal of Travel Medicine, 29(3). Article taac006. Blanford, J. I., Beerlage - de Jong, N., Schouten, S., Friedrich, A. W. & Araujo Soares, V. the Development and Implementation of Audit and Feedback Systems to Support Health Care Workers in Limiting Antimicrobial Resistance in the Hospital: Scoping Review (2022)Journal of medical internet research, 24(3). Article e33531. Keizer, J., Bente, B. E., Al Naiemi, N., Van Gemert-Pijnen, L. J. E. W. C. & Beerlage-De Jong, N.


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