
  • Computer Science

    • Models
    • Service
    • Synchronization
    • Assignment Problem
    • Dwell Time
    • Genetic Algorithm
  • Social Sciences

    • Bus
    • Problem




Passenger social rerouting strategies in capacitated public transport systems (2024)Transportation research. Part E: Logistics and transportation review, 188. Article 103598. Luan, X., Eikenbroek, O. A. L., Corman, F. & van Berkum, E. C.


An agent-based electric vehicle charging demand modelling framework to assess the needs for the energy transition in transport (2023)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. Zenodo. Girgin, S., Ulak, B. M. & Eikenbroek, O. A. L. in Urban Traffic (2023)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Eikenbroek, O. A. L. agent-based electric vehicle charging demand modelling framework to assess the needs for the energy transition in transport (2023)In 10th International Symposium on Transportation Data & Modelling (ISTDM2023): Booklet of Abstracts (pp. 155-158). Publications Office of the European Union. Girgin, S., Ulak, M. B. & Eikenbroek, O. A. L. potentie van sociaal reisadvies als sturingsmaatregel in het openbaar vervoer (2023)Tijdschrift vervoerswetenschap, 59(3), 66-82. Eikenbroek, O. A. L., Luan, X., van Berkum, E. C. & Corman, F.


Improving the performance of a traffic system by fair rerouting of travelers (2022)European journal of operational research, 299(1), 195-207. Eikenbroek, O. A. L., Still, G. J. & van Berkum, E. C. rerouting in public transport networks (2022)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 32nd European Conference on Operational Research, EURO 2022<br/>. Eikenbroek, O. A. L., Luan, X., Corman, F. & van Berkum, E. C.


Decision making under uncertainty in public transport networks: The case of stochastic railway traffic control (2021)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 50th International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science, ODS 2021. Trivella, A., Corman, F. & Eikenbroek, O. A. L.How Route Guidance with Small Detours for Only a Fraction of All Travelers Can Significantly Improve Network Performance (2021)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 8th International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment, DTA2021. Eikenbroek, O. A. L., Still, G. J. & van Berkum, E. C.Including stochasticity in railway traffic management models (2021)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] INFORMS Annual Meeting 2021. Corman, F., Trivella, A. & Eikenbroek, O. A. L.



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