

Probing the relation between polymer brushes wetting transitions and bulk polymer phase transition (2024)[Contribution to conference › Poster] NWO Physics 2024. Buonaiuto, L., Reuvekamp, S., Kap, Ö., van den Ende, D., de Beer, S., Lugt, P. M. & Mugele, F.


Nonequilibrium configurations of swelling polymer brush layers induced by spreading drops of weakly volatile oil (2023)The Journal of chemical physics, 158(17). Article 174903. Kap, Ö., Hartmann, S., Hoek, H., De beer, S., Siretanu, I., Thiele, U. & Mugele, F.


Spreading of volatile fluids on swelling hydrophobic polymer brush layers (2022)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 2nd Bordeaux Polymer Conference, BPC 2022. Kap, Ö., Hartmann, S., Hoek, H. J., de Beer, S., Sîretanu, I., Thiele, U. & Mugele, F.Hybridized Nanomaterials for Enhancing Photocatalytic Activity in Solar Fuel Production (2022)In Green Photocatalytic Semiconductors (pp. 817-861) (Green Chemistry and Sustainable Technology). Springer. Kap, Ö., Horzum, N. & Varlikli, C.


Structural Stability of Physisorbed Air-Oxidized Decanethiols on Au(111) (2020)The Journal of physical chemistry C, 124(22), 11977-11984. Kap, Ö., Kabanov, N., Tsvetanova, M., Varlikli, C., Klavsyuk, A. L., Zandvliet, H. J. W. & Sotthewes, K.


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