
  • Social Sciences

    • Supply Chain Management
    • Materials
    • Prices
    • Contract Law
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Chain
    • Impact
  • Economics, Econometrics and Finance

    • Price
    • Costs



Scheduling Urban Infrastructure Renovation Projects to Minimize Traffic DisruptionIn 14th International Conference on Computational Logistics. Bosch, R., Rogetzer, P., van Heeswijk, W. J. A. & Mes, M.A methodology to analyze production process based on the implementation of a Circular Value Stream MappingIn Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. Kalemkerian, F., Santos, J., Tanco, M. & Rogetzer, P.' Perspective on AI-Supported Assessment of Open-Ended Questions in Higher EducationIn Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (pp. 73-79). Braun., D., Rogetzer., P., Stoica, E. & Kurzhals, H.



- B-IEM M1: Professional and Academic Development (teacher) - 2020/21
- B-IEM M2: Professional and Academic Development (teacher) - 2020/21
- B-IBA M3: FAIS - Information Systems (teacher) - 2020/21 until 2022/23
- B-IEM M3: Professional and Academic Development (teacher) - 2020/21
- B-IEM M4: Business Game - The Fresh Connection (tutor) - sinds 2021/22
- B-IEM M5: Professional and Academic Development (teacher) - sinds 2022/23
- B-IEM/IDE/ME M6: Project Consumerproducts (tutor) - 2020/21
- IEM/BIT M7: Product Design to Online Business (module coördinator, teacher) - sinds 2021/22
- Minor M9: Enterprise Software for the Integration of Administrative Processes (module coördinator, teacher) - sinds 2023/24
- Minor M10: Circularity Management and Technology (teacher) - sinds 2021/22

Begeleiding van BSc afstudeerprojecten (1e begeleider):

Begeleiding van BSc afstudeerprojecten (2e begeleider):

Begeleiding van MSc afstudeerprojecten (1e begeleider):

Begeleiding van MSc afstudeerprojecten (2e begeleider):

Verbonden aan opleidingen

Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024

Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.

Vakken collegejaar 2022/2023

  • From Industrial Symbiosis to Hubs for Circularity (IS2H4C)
  • Circular Economy Platform Twente (CEP): The primary goal of the CEP Twente is to accelerate the transition towards a sustainable circular economy by fostering interdisciplinary research, education, and knowledge exchange. 
    with interdisciplinary team: D. Yazan (IEBIS), Yifei Yu, Daniela Guericke, Alessio Trivella, Abhishta Abhishta, Patricia Rogetzer, Marcos Machado, Mahak Sharma, Letizia Alvino, Canan Acar, Marc van den Berg, Mila Koeva, Efia Boakye Addo, Dan Hartenberg, Amalia Bălan, Tamas Szecsei. 
  • EasyGrader: funded by the WSV innovation projects BMS 2022/23 with interdisciplinary team: D. Braun (IEBIS), BMS LAB

Lopende projecten


Adaptive Multi-Actor Multi-Modal Closed-Loop Planning and Logistics for Renewal and Renovation of Urban Bridges and Quay Walls

Veel bruggen en kademuren in historische stadscentra, zoals in Amsterdam, vertonen tekenen van achterstallig onderhoud en zijn aan het einde van hun technische of functionele levensduur. Renovatie of vernieuwing is dringend nodig. Dit is een grote en complexe opgave, niet alleen vanwege de omvang, maar ook vanwege de impact op milieu en stad. Het voorstel van Loqiquay is gericht op de ontwikkeling van closed-loop logistieke methoden en multi-project management oplossingen om de uitvoering te versnellen, de logistieke controle te vergroten en de duurzaamheid en circulariteit te verbeteren, inclusief hergebruik van secundaire materialen en vermindering van transportbewegingen en emissies.

From Industrial Symbiosis to Hubs for Circularity (IS2H4C)

Circular Economy Platform Twente (CEP)


Serious Gaming for Circular Economy Transition (SG4CET)

The project aims at implementing an online game together with BMSLab to be run in the newly developed Minor Module of Sustainable Circular Economy (starting November 2021) and is funded by the WSV fund 2021.

Designing a minor on Enterprise software for the integration of administrative processes

This project aims at developing a multidisciplinary challenge-based learning (CBL) minor module on enterprise software for the integration in administrative processes and is funded by the WSV fund 2022.

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