I started my academic career at the VU Amsterdam, where I conducted my PhD at the Department of Organization Sciences and Center for Philanthropic Studies (CPS, Faculty of Social Sciences). I studied how and why the public supports crowdfunding for product development and services using field and lab experiments. Using social information (information about the behaviour of others, a type of nudge), I designed crowdfunding campaigns to collect more funds and improve donor happiness. Crowdfunding is an online tool to collect public funds to financially support private individuals, companies, foundations and/or charities. For my postdoc, I continued working for CPS, also joining the Department of Sociology (VU Amsterdam). This time focussing on longitudinal data analyses, I continued my crowdfunding research, also focussing on other types of fundraising strategies. I’m an Associate Editor at the Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing and a project manager at the European Research Network on Philanthropy (ERNOP).
Social Sciences
- Crowdfunding
- Donation
- Social Information
- Higher Education
- Systematic Review
- Project
- Behavior
Economics, Econometrics and Finance
- Information
Verbonden aan opleidingen
Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
I focus on researching the reliability of crowdfunding to fund product development, focusing on reward-based and donation-based crowdfunding (i.e. philanthropic crowdfunding). I study the effects of informal quality signals and expert decisions using experiments and surveys, using theories from social psychology, behavioural economics and organizational behaviour.
My additional projects focus on the role of disintermediation between charities and individuals and the use of crowdfunding for cultural institutions.
I’m a frequent speaker in both formal and social media. You can contact me for the following subjects:
- Crowdfunding and other online forms of fundraising
- Giving behaviour in the Netherlands
- Charities in the Netherlands
- Social norms and people following the behaviour of others
In de pers
Media appearance (past two years)
- International Podcast ‘Why Philanthropy Matters’ (26 June 2023): https://whyphilanthropymatters.com/podcasts/
- National printed Media AD (03 June 2023): https://archive.ph/g4BHG
- Printed article GoedGeregeld (Summer 2023): https://www.goedgeregeldmagazine.nl/
- Printed article Vakblad Fondsenwerving (28 February 2023): Van Teunenbroek, C. & Smits, R. (2023) Crowdfunding voor de culturele sector. Vakblad Fondsenwerving, eerste editie.
- National online news article RTL4 (15 February 2023), episode: https://www.rtlnieuws.nl/editienl/artikel/5365917/nationale-actiedag-giro555-natuurramp-geven-we-meer-oorlog
- National television appearance Editie NL (15 February 2023), episode 46: https://tvblik.nl/editie-nl/aflevering-46-9
- National online news article RTL4 (15 February 2023): https://www.nu.nl/aardbeving-syrie-en-turkije/6251066/of-en-hoeveel-we-doneren-aan-giro555-nederlanders-zijn-zeer-gul.html
- National online news article NU.nl (15 February 2023): https://www.nu.nl/aardbeving-syrie-en-turkije/6251066/of-en-hoeveel-we-doneren-aan-giro555-nederlanders-zijn-zeer-gul.html
- National printed media Dagblad Trouw (14 februari 2023): https://www.trouw.nl/binnenland/doneerdilemma-giro555-of-geld-naar-klein-initiatief~bb92b9c2/
- National television appearance NL (8 February 2023), episode 40: https://tvblik.nl/editie-nl/aflevering-40-9
- National online news article RTL4 (7 February 2023): https://www.rtlnieuws.nl/editienl/artikel/5364656/giro555-doneren-turkije-syrie-vast-bedrag-kiezen
- Local printed media Dagblad Brabants Dagblad (24 September 2022): https://www.bd.nl/brabant/waarom-inzamelingsacties-zo-succesvol-zijn-mensen-leven-mee-met-andermans-leed-en-willen-helpen~aeee3556/?cb=79add715419cd27815a059d4c94d21aa&auth_rd=1
- Printed article Vakblad Fondsenwerving: Van Teunenbroek, C. & Koolen-Maas, S. (2022). Zes Learnings uit Geven in Nederland. Vakblad Fondsenwerving, vierde editie, 10-11.
- Printed article De Dikke Blauwe: Van Teunenbroek, C. (2022). Een verkenning van online werven. De Dikke Blauwe, 16, 180-184.
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