
  • Medicine and Dentistry

    • Combination Therapy
    • Macrophage
    • Hepatic Stellate Cell
    • Liver Fibrosis
    • Liver
    • Gamma Interferon
  • Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science

    • Fibrosis
    • Liver Injury



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Engineered SPIONs functionalized with endothelin a receptor antagonist ameliorate liver fibrosis by inhibiting hepatic stellate cell activation (2024)Bioactive Materials, 39, 406-426. ten Hove, M., Smyris, A., Booijink, R., Wachsmuth, L., Hansen, U., Alic, L., Faber, C., Hӧltke, C. & Bansal, R. therapeutic strategies for the treatment of liver diseases (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Geervliet, E. K. of functional and diverse circulating cancer‐associated fibroblasts in metastatic castration‐naïve prostate cancer patients (2024)Molecular oncology. Booijink, R., Terstappen, L. W. M. M., Dathathri, E., Isebia, K., Kraan, J., Martens, J. & Bansal, R. Interferon gamma peptidomimetic targeted to interstitial myofibroblasts attenuates renal fibrosis after unilateral ureteral obstruction in mice (2024)Oncotarget, 15, 35. Poosti, F., Bansal, R., Yazdani, S., Prakash, J., Beljaars, L., van den Born, J., de Borst, M. H., van Goor, H., Hillebrands, J. L. & Poelstra, K. Material World of 3D-Bioprinted and Microfluidic-Chip Models of Human Liver Fibrosis (2024)Advanced materials, 36(2). Article 2307673. Carvalho, A. M., Bansal, R., Barrias, C. C. & Sarmento, B.


Hepatocyte survival and proliferation by fibroblast growth factor 7 attenuates liver inflammation, and fibrogenesis during acute liver injury via paracrine mechanisms (2023)Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, 167. Article 115612. Geervliet, E., Terstappen, L. W. M. M. & Bansal, R. Stellate Cell Targeting Using Peptide-Modified Biologicals (2023)In Hepatic Stellate Cells: Methods and Protocols (pp. 269-284) (Methods in Molecular Biology; Vol. 2669). Humana Press. Bansal, R. & Poelstra, K. Cell Secretome Analyses of Hepatic Stellate Cells: Aiming for Single Cell Phenomics (2023)In Hepatic Stellate Cells: Methods and Protocols (pp. 257-268) (Methods in Molecular Biology; Vol. 2669). Humana Press. Booijink, R., Terstappen, L. & Bansal, R.


Characterizing Circulating Tumor Cells and Tumor-Derived Extracellular Vesicles in Metastatic Castration-Naive and Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Patients (2022)Cancers, 14(18). Article 4404. Isebia, K. T., Dathathri, E., Verschoor, N., Nanou, A., de Jong, A. C., Coumans, F. A. W., Terstappen, L. W. M. M., Kraan, J., Martens, J. W. M., Bansal, R. & Lolkema, M. P. type IV Autotaxin inhibitor ameliorates acute liver injury and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (2022)EMBO molecular medicine, 14(9). Article e16333. Booijink, R., Salgado-Polo, F., Jamieson, C., Perrakis, A. & Bansal, R. Biopsy Based Circulating Biomarkers in Metastatic Prostate Cancer (2022)Frontiers in oncology, 12. Article 863472. Dathathri, E., Isebia, K. T., Abali, F., Lolkema, M. P., Martens, J. W. M., Terstappen, L. W. M. M. & Bansal, R. type IV Autotaxin inhibitor ameliorates acute liver injury and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in mice (2022)[Working paper › Preprint]. bioRxiv. Booijink, R., Salgado-Polo, F., Jamieson, C., Perrakis, A. & Bansal, R. of macrophages and hepatic stellate cells for the treatment of liver diseases (2022)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Kurniawan, D. W. Fabrication of Porous Membrane-Based Scaffolds by Air-Water Interfacial Phase Separation: Opportunities for Engineered Tissues (2022)Membranes, 12(5). Article 453. Allijn, I., du Preez, N., Tasior, M., Bansal, R. & Stamatialis, D. novel therapeutic strategies against tumor stroma and fibrosis (2022)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Mardhian, D. F. in chronic liver diseases: current insights and future perspectives (2022)Trends in pharmacological sciences, 43(3), 188-205. Heinrich, L., Booijink, R. S., Khurana, A. & Bansal, R. kinase as a potential therapeutic target in non-alcoholic and alcoholic steatohepatitis (2022)Clinical and translational discovery, 2(1). Article e18. Kurniawan, D. W., Booijink, R. S., Jajoriya, A. K., Dhawan, G., Mishra, D., Oosterhuis, D., Argemi, J., Storm, G., Olinga, P., Bataller, R., Mohanty, S. K., Mishra, D. P., Prakash, J. & Bansal, R.


The presence of an ECM capsule around liver tumor models blocks the penetration of (Nano)-Drugs (2021)In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2021 (pp. 637-638). Zuchowska, A., Bansal, R. & le Gac, S.A review of oxidative stress products and related genes in early alzheimer's disease (2021)Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 83(3), 977-1001. Cioffi, F., Adam, R. H. I., Bansal, R. & Broersen, K. Mobility Group Box 1 Release by Cholangiocytes Governs Biliary Atresia Pathogenesis and Correlates With Increases in Afflicted Infants (2021)Hepatology, 74(2), 864-878. Mohanty, S. K., Donnelly, B., Temple, H., Ortiz-Perez, A., Mowery, S., Lobeck, I., Dupree, P., Poling, H. M., McNeal, M., Mourya, R., Jenkins, T., Bansal, R., Bezerra, J. & Tiao, G.


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