- Membrane
- Surfaces
- Surface
- Photocatalytic
- Porosity
- Water Type
- Concentration
- Procedure
Counter-ion mobility in cation-exchange membranes: Single electrolytes versus mixtures (2025)Journal of membrane science, 718. Article 123636. Elozeiri, A. A. E., Lammertink, R. G. H., Lin, S., Rijnaarts, H. H. M. & Dykstra, J. E. flow characteristics and mass transport in porous carbon electrodes for hydrogen-bromine flow batteries (2025)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Ochoa Fajardo, D. A. Concentrate Recirculation to Activated Sludge: Balancing Organic Micropollutant Removal and Salt Retention (2025)ACS Environmental Science and Technology Water, 5(1), 284-299. Wendt, H. D., Jonkers, W. A., Kemperman, A. J. B., Langenhoff, A. A. M., Lammertink, R. G. H., van der Meer, W. G. J. & de Vos, W. M.
Multi-component ion equilibria and transport in ion-exchange membranes (2024)Journal of colloid and interface science, 673, 971-984. Elozeiri, A. A. E., Dykstra, J. E., Rijnaarts, H. H. M. & Lammertink, R. G. H. Transport & Electrokinetics in Colloidal Particle Networks (2024)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Wiegerinck, H. T. M. Focusing of Particles by AC-Electroosmosis and Induced Dipole Interactions (2024)Langmuir, 40(38). Article 4c02135. Wiegerinck, H. T. M., Wood, J. A., Eijkel, J. C. T., Lammertink, R. G. H., Frankel, I. & Ramos, A. of Hydrogen Pressure on The Mass Transfer Characteristics of Hydrogen-Bromine Flow Battery Electrodes (2024)Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 171(9). Article 090525. Ochoa Fajardo, D. A., Mul, G. & Lammertink, R. G. H. conversion using diffusio-osmosis from patterned catalytic surfaces (2024)Industrial Chemistry & Materials, 2(3). Visan, A., Wood, J. A. & Lammertink, R. G. H. formation dynamics with mixed bacterial species: Effects of cultivation conditions, hydrodynamics, and species (2024)AIP advances, 14. Article 075213. Sendekie, Z. B., Bacchin, P., Lammertink, R. G. H. & Crespo, J. G. in Polymer and Nanoparticle Gradients (2024)The Journal of physical chemistry B, 128(24), 5874-5887. Akdeniz, B., Wood, J. A. & Lammertink, R. G. H.
Verbonden aan opleidingen
Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
- 193799700 - CR Opdracht (Studiereis)
- 201000264 - CS SFI
- 201000308 - CS Photo Catalytic Synthesis
- 201300054 - MSc final project SRA
- 201300055 - MSc final project RGA
- 201700175 - Internship & Job Orientation Project CSE
- 201800131 - Numerical Methods for Engineers
- 201800327 - Ion Transport in Fluids
- 201800330 - Membrane Processes
- 201800331 - Membrane Materials
- 201800413 - MSc final project SRA
- 201900212 - Additional Intern. & Job Orient. Project
- 201900214 - Internship & Job Orientation Pr. CSE/AP
- 201900284 - Placement Course for Exchange Students
- 201900316 - MSc Assignment AP/CSE Scientific Aspects
- 201900317 - MSc Assignment AP/CSE General Aspects
- 202000742 - Lab Course: Organic & Bio-organic Chem.
- 202000763 - Bachelor Assignment
- 202100250 - Characterization of Molecules& Materials
- 202300163 - Interface Science
- 202300227 - Prep. MSc Assignment CSE/Parma 2.5 EC
- 202300228 - Prep. MSc Assignment CSE/Parma 5 EC
- 202300330 - Multidisciplinary Project CSE
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
- 193799700 - CR Opdracht (Studiereis)
- 201000264 - Capita Selecta SFI
- 201000308 - CS Photo Catalytic Synthesis
- 201300054 - MSc final project SRA
- 201300055 - MSc final project RGA
- 201700175 - Internship & Job Orientation Project CSE
- 201800131 - Numerical Methods for Engineers
- 201800327 - Ion Transport in Fluids
- 201800330 - Membrane Processes
- 201800331 - Membrane Materials
- 201800413 - MSc final project SRA
- 201900212 - Additional Intern. & Job Orient. Project
- 201900214 - Internship & Job Orientation Pr. CSE/AP
- 201900284 - Placement Course for Exchange Students
- 201900316 - MSc Assignment AP/CSE Scientific Aspects
- 201900317 - MSc Assignment AP/CSE General Aspects
- 202000763 - Bachelor Assignment
- 202001528 - Master Thesis DD Parma
- 202100250 - Characterization of Molecules& Materials
- 202300163 - Interface Science
- 202300227 - Prep. MSc Assignment CSE/Parma 2.5 EC
- 202300228 - Prep. MSc Assignment CSE/Parma 5 EC
- 202300330 - Multidisciplinary Project CSE

Universiteit Twente
Horst Complex (gebouwnr. 20), kamer ME324
De Horst 2
7522 LW Enschede
Universiteit Twente
Horst Complex ME324
Postbus 217
7500 AE Enschede