- Attention
- Electroencephalogram
- Simon Effect
- Imagery
- Motor Skills
- Groups
- Sequence Learning
- Electroencephalography
Under pressure in the Eriksen flanker task (2025)Biological psychology, 195. Article 108986. Van der Lubbe, R. H. J., Panek, B., Szumska, I. & Asanowicz, D.
Working Memory Maintenance of Visual and Auditory Spatial Information Relies on Supramodal Neural Codes in the Dorsal Frontoparietal Cortex (2024)Brain Sciences, 14(2). Article 123. Rizza, A., Pedale, T., Mastroberardino, S., Olivetti Belardinelli, M., Van der Lubbe, R. H. J., Spence, C. & Santangelo, V.
On the Relevance of Posterior and Midfrontal Theta Activity for Visuospatial Attention (2023)Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 35(12), 1972-2001. Asanowicz, D., Panek, B., Kotlewska, I. & van der Lubbe, R. COgnitive and Motor learning for the Elderly (ICOME): A guiding framework for enhancing motor learning performance (2023)[Working paper › Preprint]. PsyArXiv. Chan, R. W., Lubbe, R. H. J. v. d., Immink, M. & Verwey, W. connectivity in the alpha band between parietal and occipital sources when spatial attention is externally and internally directed (2023)Frontiers in cognition, 2. Article 1145854. van der Lubbe, R., Panek, B., Jahangier, I. & Asanowicz, D.
Consumer Neuroscience: Attentional Preferences for Wine Labeling Reflected in the Posterior Contralateral Negativity (2021)Frontiers in psychology, 12. Article 688713. Alvino, L., Constantinides, E. & van der Lubbe, R. H. J. brain areas are more involved during motor imagery than during motor execution/preparation of a response sequence (2021)International journal of psychophysiology, 164, 71-86. van der Lubbe, R., Sobierajewicz, J., Jongsma, M. L. A., Verwey, W. B. & Przekoracka-Krawczyk, A.
Motor imagery, motor preparation, and motor execution of response sequences : Discrete response sequences being prepared, imagined, and executed (2020)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. DATA Archiving and Networked Services (DANS). van der Lubbe, R. Simon effect in a discrete sequence production task: Key-specific stimuli cannot be ignored due to attentional capture (2020)Acta psychologica, 205. Article 103044. Verwey, W. B., Wright, D. L. & van der Lubbe, R. H. J.
Vakken collegejaar 2024/2025
Vakken in het huidig collegejaar worden toegevoegd op het moment dat zij definitief zijn in het Osiris systeem. Daarom kan het zijn dat de lijst nog niet compleet is voor het gehele collegejaar.
- 194100040 - Master Thesis BA
- 201400213 - Masterthesis HFE
- 201500101 - Master Thesis Research Proposal
- 201500102 - Master Thesis Research Project
- 201500175 - Masterthesis HFE
- 201600162 - Advanced Research Methods for HFE
- 202000332 - Data Analysis II
- 202000356 - Human Factors Theory
- 202000383 - Bachelorthesis HFE
- 202000486 - Test Cognitive Psychology
- 202000579 - Bachelor Thesis IBA
- 202100305 - Human Factors in Healthcare
- 202200073 - Training, Sensors and Simulation
- 202200244 - Internship EP
- 202200245 - Internship CRS
- 202200246 - Internship HFE
- 202200247 - Internship HPT
- 202400101 - Bachelor Thesis IBA
- 202400108 - Foundation of Neuroscience
- 202400745 - Brain, Cognition and Development
- 202400746 - Design & Evaluation
Vakken collegejaar 2023/2024
- 194100040 - Master Thesis BA
- 201400213 - Masterthesis HFE
- 201500101 - Master Thesis Research Proposal
- 201500102 - Master Thesis Research Project
- 201500175 - Masterthesis HFE
- 201600162 - Advanced Research Methods for HFE
- 202000331 - Brain, Cognition and Development
- 202000332 - Data Analysis II
- 202000356 - Human Factors Theory
- 202000383 - Bachelorthesis HFE
- 202000486 - Test Cognitive Psychology
- 202000579 - Bachelor Thesis IBA
- 202100305 - Human Factors in Healthcare
- 202200073 - Training, Sensors and Simulation
- 202200244 - Internship EP
- 202200245 - Internship CRS
- 202200246 - Internship HFE
- 202200247 - Internship HPT
- 202300303 - Design & Evaluation

Universiteit Twente
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7521 PL Enschede
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Cubicus B318
Postbus 217
7500 AE Enschede