
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Indonesia
    • Coral Reef
    • Datum
    • Comparison
    • Island
    • Chlorophyll
    • Investigation
    • Water Quality




The potential use of coral reef habitat mapping in supporting ecotourism development in Lombok, Indonesia (2024)International Journal of Conservation Science, 15(4), 1921-1930. Ampou, E. E., Rahmania, R., Hanintyo, R., Pradisty, N. A. & Pranowo, W. S.


Exploitation status and spawning potential ratio of banana prawn (Penaeus merguiensis) after trawling ban in Kaimana, West Papua (2023)Regional Studies in Marine Science, 61. Article 102884. Pane, A. R. P., Pradisty, N. A., Widiyastuti, H., Fauzi, M., Mardlijah, S., Hanintyo, R., Noegroho, T. & Panggabean, A. S. ecological and production carrying capacity for lobster farming based on organic carbon deposition in the mariculture zone (2023)IOP conference series: Earth and environmental science, 1137(1). Article 012025. Thesiana, L., Albasri, H., Pratama, I., Hanintyo, R., Rahmania, R., Susilo, E., Suniada, K. I., Puspasari, R., Istiyarini, N. & Setiati, N. A.


Representative benthic habitat mapping on lovina coral reefs in northern bali, indonesia (2021)Biodiversitas, 22(11), 4766-4774. Kartikasari, A., Pristianto, T., Hanintyo, R., Elvan Ampou, E., Wibawa, T. A. & Borneo, B. B. and total suspended matter retrieval and comparison of C2RCC neural network algorithms on Landsat 8 data over Wangi-Wangi Island, Indonesia (2021)In Seventh Geoinformation Science Symposium 2021. Article 120820H (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; Vol. 12082). SPIE. Hanintyo, R., Susilo, E., Pradisty, N. A. & Nyoman Surana, I. lemuru abundance in Bali Strait: IOD or ENSO (2021)In Seventh Geoinformation Science Symposium 2021. Article 120820I (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; Vol. 12082). SPIE. Jatisworo, D., Kusuma, D. W., Sukresno, B. & Hanintyo, R. of sea surface temperature from GCOM-C satellite using iQuam datasets and MUR-SST in Indonesian waters (2021)Indonesian journal of geography, 53(1), 136-143. Sukresno, B., Jatisworo, D. & Hanintyo, R.



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