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Entrepreneurship and environmental sustainability: the effects of passion and self-efficacy on entrepreneurial intentions (2024)Journal of small business and enterprise development (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Gregori, P., Holzmann, P., Krajger, I., Schwarz, E. J. & Harms, R. Self-Efficacy of Scientists: A qualitative study on ATTRACT Phase 2 R&D&I Ventures (2024)CERN IdeaSquare Journal of Experimental Innovation, 8(1), 20-25. Fisher, A., Blankesteijn, M. L., Harms, R. & van Muijlwijk-Koezen, J. attractiveness: A comparative analysis of startups versus incumbents in supplier choice (2024)Journal of purchasing and supply management, 30(2). Article 100901. Tessaro, J. A., Harms, R. & Schiele, H. dead end of classical innovation management and unsustainable innovation (2024)Technovation, 129. Article 102916. Meissner, D., Harms, R., Kratzer, J. & Zhou, Y. (.


How firms support formal standardization: The role of alliance portfolio and internal technological diversity (2023)Technological forecasting and social change, 196. Article 122854. Wen, J., Li, J., Zhou, Q., Zeng, D. & Harms, R. relationships in startups: An analysis of factors that drive startup attractiveness to suppliers (2023)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Tessaro, J. A. startups become attractive to suppliers and achieve preferred customer status: Factors influencing the positioning of young firms (2023)Industrial marketing management, 113, 100-115. Tessaro, J. A., Harms, R. & Schiele, H. startup’s attractiveness as industrial customers by organizing theirpurchasing activities (2023)Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing (E-pub ahead of print/First online). Tessaro, J. A., Harms, R. & Schiele, H. the right answers – Creating and maintaining hope through social entrepreneurship in light of humanitarian crises (2023)Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 19. Article e00356. Kuckertz, A., Bernard, A., Berger, E., Dvouletý, O., Harms, R., Jack, S. & Kibler, E. and Performance of Early Internationalizing Firms: A Systematic Literature Review (2023)Journal of small business management, 61(3), 1143-1173. Jie, S., Harms, R., Groen, A. J. & Jones, P.


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