Professor of Stochastic Operations Research,

Co-founder en co-chair van het Center for Healthcare Operations Improvement and Research (CHOIR), 

Co-founder van de spin-off Rhythm b.v. voor logistieke verbeteringen in de gezondheidszorg,

- kansrekening; wachtrijtheorie; Markov beslissingstheorie;
- stochastische operations research; prestatie analyse. 

- gezondheidszorg: logistiek; 
- (tele)communicatie: ad-hoc, sensor, draadloze netwerken; 
- verkeer, transport en productie systemen.


  • Computer Science

    • Models
    • Service
    • Scheduling
  • Nursing and Health Professions

    • Hospital
    • Patient
    • Time
  • Social Sciences

    • Health Care
    • Patients



  • Boucherie Consulting BVpersoonlijke BV
  • Rhythm BVnaar de zorgsector brengen van algoritmen ontwikkeld binnen CHOIR
  • Platform Wiskunde NederlandChair Platform Wiskunde Nederland
  • Circulair Hout Centrum BVCirculair Hout Centrum


A stochastic programming approach for dynamic allocation of bed capacity and assignment of patients to collaborating hospitals during pandemic outbreaks. Baas, S., Dijkstra, S., Boucherie, R. J. & Zander, A. of fork-join networks of First-In-First-Out and infinite-server queues applied to clinical chemistry laboratories, 1101-1117. Tsai, E. R., Demirtas, D., Tintu, A. N., de Jonge, R., de Rijke, Y. B. & Boucherie, R. J. the cycle maximum of birth–death processes and networks of queues, 1064-1076. Boucherie, R. J. Sampling-Based Method for Gittins Index Approximation, 1-31. Baas, S., Boucherie, R. J. & Braaksma, A. fair balancing of COVID-19 patients over hospitals based on forecasts of bed occupancy, Article 102801, 1-21. Dijkstra, S., Baas, S., Braaksma, A. & Boucherie, R. J. of laboratory flow and performance for process improvements via application of process mining, 144-152. Tsai, E., Tintu, A., Boucherie, R., De Rijke, Y., Schotman, H. & Demirtas, D. clinic scheduling with limited waiting area capacity, 540-561. Otten, M., Dijkstra, S., Leeftink, G., Kamphorst, B., Olde Meierink, A., Heinen, A., Bijlsma, R. & Boucherie, R. J.


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Vakken collegejaar 2022/2023

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