Raymond Loohuis is een gedreven hoofddocent met academische expertise en ruime praktische ervaring op het gebied van business development, strategie, business service innovatie voor MKB en startups.  Hij is sinds 2009 werkzaam bij de vakgroep Entrepreneurship & Technology Management binnen de faculteit BMS waarvan hij MT lid is.

Vanuit zijn professionele ervaring en academische expertise is hij in staat om complexe maatschappelijke/industriële vraagstukken en trends te vertalen naar onderzoeks-en onderwijsdoelstellingen/vernieuwing en hieraan op zowel strategisch en operationeel niveau uitvoering aan te geven. Tevens heeft hij ervaring met het veelvuldig en effectief samenwerken met publieke en private partners uit het werkveld en met kennisinstellingen voor onderzoeks-en onderwijsdoeleinden. 

Specifieke kennis domeinen zijn: smart-industrie en service innovatie, business marketing, alliantie-en netwerkmanagement en strategische positionering voor MKB (maak en service bedrijven) en tech- startups.

Raymond publiceerde eerder in het Journal of Supply Chain Management, Journal of Service Theory & Practice en volumes op het gebied van regionaal duurzaam ondernemerschap, sociologie van organisaties en strategische alliantie management.


  • Psychology

    • Research
    • Journey
    • Resources
  • Social Sciences

    • Process
    • Experience
    • Perspective
    • Customer
  • Computer Science

    • Service




GraphEx: Visualizing and managing customer experience in its multidimensionality (2023)Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 33(7), 94-115. Sahhar, Y., Loohuis, R. & Henseler, J.https://doi.org/10.1108/JSTP-03-2023-0077ChallengeUp: A Digital Tool For Facilitating The Transition Towards Challenge-based Learning In Existing Higher Education Courses (2023)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 1st National Challenge-based Learning Conference, CBL 2023. de Graaf, R. S., Imanbayeva, A. & Loohuis, R.


Understanding and Managing Customer Experience in Practice: A Phenomenological Inquiry (2022)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Sahhar, Y.https://doi.org/10.3990/1.9789036554053Calling on autohermeneutic phenomenology to delve into the deeper levels of experience (2022)In Contemporary approaches Studying Customer Experience in Tourism Research: This book will present the contemporary approaches applied to the tourism research, to study the consumer experience by discussing first, the theoretical part, which will be based mainly on behavioral sciences. To this regard, main paradigms and their related approaches studying CX will be stressed. Second, the book will develop a methodological part highlighting the holistic and dynamic nature of the customer experience, by capturing it along the customer journey; into the pre-, during, and post consumption through a combination of techniques including the innovative ones. Keywords – Customer experience, tourism management, ethno marketing, phenomenology, psychoanalytic, philosophical orientation, facet theory, customer journey, emotions, sensory experience, CX measure.. Emerald. Sahhar, Y., Loohuis, R. & Henseler, J.Characterizing the spaces of consumer value experience in value co-creation and value co-destruction (2022)European journal of marketing, 56(13), 105-136. Sahhar, Y. & Loohuis, R.https://doi.org/10.1108/EJM-04-2020-0313


Personal Branding of Top Managers (2021)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. Scheidt, S.https://doi.org/10.3990/1.9789036552912Illuminating Experience’s Inception and Evolvement: An Autohermeneutic Phenomenological Inquiry (2021)In The 2021 Naples Forum on Service: A Service Lens on Changing Business and Society. Sahhar, Y., Loohuis, R. & Henseler, J.Mobilizing Values and Action through Framing Strategies in Creating a Regional Bio-energy Niche (2021)In Values-driven Entrepreneurship and Societal Impact: Setting the Agenda for Entrepreneuring Across (Southern) Africa (pp. 65-78). Loohuis, R., Ehrenhard, M. & Millar, C.


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