
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences

    • Cerrado
    • Cartography
    • Learning
    • Biome
    • Map
    • Model
    • Vegetation
  • Computer Science

    • Models



Feature-guided deep learning model for mapping deprived areasIn 2024 International Conference on Machine Intelligence for GeoAnalytics and Remote Sensing, MIGARS 2024. IEEE. Filho, P. S., Tareke, B., Persello, C., Kuffer, M., Maretto, R., Abascal, A., Wang, J. & MacHado, R.
Investigating Sar-Optical Deep Learning Data Fusion to Map the Brazilian Cerrado Vegetation with Sentinel DataIn IGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Proceedings (pp. 1365-1368). IEEE. Filho, P. S., Persello, C., Maretto, R. V. & MacHado, R.
Building polygon extraction from aerial images and digital surface models with a frame field learning framework, Article 4700, 1-21. Sun, X., Zhao, W., V. Maretto, R. & Persello, C. clearcut deforestation employing deep learning methods and SAR time seriesIn 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS (pp. 4520-4523). IEEE. Taquary, E. C., Fonseca, L. M. G., Maretto, R. V., Bendini, H. N., Matosak, B. M., Sant'Anna, S. J. S. & Mura, J. C. a deep convolutional neural network and GEOBIA for automatic recognition of Brazilian Palm Swamps (Veredas) using Sentinel-2 optical dataIn 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) (pp. 5401-5404). IEEE. Bendini, H. N., Fonseca, L. M. G., Maretto, R. V., Matosak, B. M., Taquary, E. C., Haidar, R. F. & Valeriano, D. d. M. recognition and remote sensing techniques applied to land use and land cover mapping in the Brazilian Savannah, 54-60. Fonseca, L. M. G., Körting, T. S., Bendini, H. N., Girolamo Neto, C. D., Neves, A. K., Soares, A. R., Taquary, E. C. & Maretto, R. V. outline extraction from aerial imagery and digital surface model with a frame field learning frameworkIn The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (pp. 487-493). International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS). Sun, X., Zhao, W., Maretto, R. V. & Persello, C. deep learning approach to map deforestation in Amazon rainforest, 771-775. Maretto, R. V., Fonseca, L. M. G., Jacobs, N., Korting, T. S., Bendini, H. N. & Parente, L. L.
Applying a phenological object-based image analysis (phenobia) for agricultural land classification: A study case in the Brazilian CerradoIn 2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2020 - Proceedings, Article 9323184 (pp. 1078-1081). IEEE. Bendini, H. N., Fonseca, L. M. G., Soares, A. R., Rufin, P., Schwieder, M., Rodrigues, M. A., Maretto, R. V., Korting, T. S., Leitao, P. J., Sanches, I. D. A. & Hostert, P.


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Vakken collegejaar 2022/2023


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